Alliance15 representatives - Welthungerhilfe (WHH), Concern Worldwide and Cesvi - have been working together in Ukraine since February 2022, using their combined resources to ensure rapid and effective emergency response and assistance to the crisis-affected population. The project known as JERU (Joint Emergency Response in Ukraine) works in Ukraine to support people affected by the conflict.
JERU team announces a competition forfilling the vacant position
Registrar of monetary projectsSumy (4 vacancies open)
Please read the requirements and job description and send your resume via the link below.
eT1XZWx0aHVuZ2VyUCZzdD0yNDBENkNBRkU5ODYxMDg1NDQ1NjZEN0NENjkzQzBBQzdBREY5MDA2IiwiVmFjYW5jeUlkIjoxMDI4MTYwMn0=" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">https://career5. successfactors.eu/sfcareer/jobreqcareerpvt?jobId=12709&company=WelthungerP&st=240D6CAFE986108544566D7CD693C0AC7ADF9006Please send your application in English through our online recruitment system by 11/10/2024
Welthungerhilfe is committed to the fight against terrorism in all its activities.
In addition, the organization strives for the safety and protection of vulnerable adults and children in its work. Therefore, any applicant for the position who is included in the short list of candidates may be required to undergo a number of checks, which may include checking for the presence of a person on the lists of known and suspected terrorists and providing information regarding the prosecution of such persons.
All Welthungerhilfe employees adhere to the internal policies and procedures of the Code of Conduct and related policies in all their activities.
Qualification requirements for the Employee: strong> Whatweoffer:
Dear candidate, by submitting an application, you consent to the processing of personal data in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data"