Mzuri offers the most modern solutions for agriculture. Our company is aimed at constant innovative work and development to meet the needs of our customers. Responsibilities: Sale of agricultural machinery, Knowledge and ownership of soil cultivation, l> Selling additional equipment for equipment, Working with customer database, Working with clients on current issues of equipment and technology, design relevant documents, Participation in exhibitions and seminars, presentati
Mzuri offers the most modern solutions for agriculture. Our company is aimed at constant innovative work and development to meet the needs of our customers.
- Sale of agricultural machinery,
- Knowledge and ownership of soil cultivation, l>
- Selling additional equipment for equipment,
- Working with customer database,
- Working with clients on current issues of equipment and technology,
- design relevant documents,
- Participation in exhibitions and seminars, presentations,
- Farm departures
- performing KPI
- higher education, better technical, knowledge of equipment, general knowledge of maintenance and repair of equipment or cars; > Experience in agricultural sales;
- Understanding the basic principles of sale;
- Communicativeness, ability to persuade and negotiate;
- high motivation to achieve the set goals; /
- Good memory, ingenuity, ability to study fast,
- Ability to work in a team,
- readiness for business trips.
- Availability of Category B, car driving skills