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Regional HR Manager (Area HR Manager Center - South) in Handicap international

Posted more than 30 days ago


Handicap international

Handicap international

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Without experience
Full-time work
Area HR Manager (Centre - South) REPORTS TO: Country HR Manager LOCATION / AREA: Kyiv Ukraine (with travel to other locations where HI is implementing activities) PROGRAMME: Ukraine Only CVs written in the English language will be reviewed.GENERAL MISSION An Area Human Resources Manager oversees human resources operations within the Centre and South Areas of Ukraine. Area HR Manager’s responsibilities include supervising local HR Teams, implementing organizational policies and managing HR admini

Area HR Manager (Centre - South) 

REPORTS TO: Country HR Manager 

LOCATION / AREA: Kyiv Ukraine (with travel to other locations where HI is implementing activities) 


Only CVs written in the English language will be reviewed.


An Area Human Resources Manager oversees human resources operations within the Centre and South Areas of Ukraine. Area HR Manager’s responsibilities include supervising local HR Teams, implementing organizational policies and managing HR administrative activities in the Centre and South areas while maintaining compliance with statutory standards. The candidate should be an expert in the HR cycle and HR best practices. 


Mission 1: Operational implementation of HR 

1.1. Contributes to the quality of Programme resources: 

  • Implements the Centres and South's sourcing process, ensuring recruitment process compliance and quality. 

  • Participate in the HR reporting schedule to meet the programme’s HR deadlines. 

  • Contribute to the HR budgetary processes and project reviews of HR aspects. 

1.2. Career Management and Skills Development 

  • Organize and monitor the HR cycle, including career management policy implementation 

  • Ensures proper onboarding of new staff, conducts staff briefings and ensures consistency in position titles and grades across field locations. 

  • Implement performance management process in the Centre and South areas 

  • Overseeing the consistent implementation of disciplinary procedures in compliance with the organizational policy ensuring that it meets all legal and labor regulations and requirements. 

  • Works with the Country HR Manager on staff retention strategies and initiatives and facilitates Centre and South managers to develop the skills (Manager 2.0). 

 1.3. Administrative management of staff 

  • Represents HI with local public administrative bodies (employment inspectorate, tax, social security etc.) if necessary 

  • Ensure a proper contractual management and monitoring system for the Centre and South areas 

  • Implements and monitors the Staff Care policy in line with HI standards. 

  • Implement people's well-being programmes 

  • Ensures compliance with the archiving of personnel files for the Centre and South areas. 

  • Ensures proper entry and exit procedures for the area’s national staff. 

 Mission 2: Management 

  • Lead and manage the Centre and South Human Resources team (Administration Officers, Recruiters and Translators )including people planning, overseeing performance, well-being and development and facilitating problem-solving) 

  • Provide technical support, and advice to build the capacity of the Human Resources team 

  • Embodies HI's values daily and acts as a role model 

  • Understands the programme HR strategy, clarifies it, translates it into operational objectives for the respective area HR team, and drives the changes required. 

  • Ensures compliance with the code of conduct and institutional policies, morale, and the individual and group behaviour expected. 

 Mission 3: Strategy and Supervision 

  • Implement theHR action plan for the Centre and South areas 

  • Assist in providing standard HR indicators for the Centre and South area and help to map and mitigate HR risks and deal with incidents. 

 Mission 4: Standards and Compliance 

  • Oversee the implementation of HI’s HR policies and frameworks in the Centre and South areas. 

  • Support to conduct the audit, archiving procedures, and personnel inspections for the Centre 

    and South areas 
  • Ensures compliance with legal obligations 

  • Helps to ensure compliance with the rules applicable to donors in his/her scope of responsibility. 

Mission 5: Emergency preparedness and response 

  • Support and contribute to the Country HR Manager in emergency preparedness actions 



  • Bachelor's Degree in HR management, law, business administration or any related field 
  • Preferable - Master in HR Management / Master in HR Development / Master in Business Administration or any related field 

Experience & Abilities :

  • 5 years of management experience in a relevant field, of which at least 3 years in a senior HR management role 
  • 3 years of experience with people management 
  • Ability to help team members progress: to develop the autonomy of his/her team members 
  • Ability to make decisions and move forward 

  • Ability to simplify and priorities 

  • 5 years of experience as HR Generalist that covers (Recruitment, L&D, Payroll, Personnel Administration, Employment law and HR IT Tools) 

Preferable - Previous work experience with INGOs 


  • Fluent in written and spoken English, Ukrainian 

Personal qualities: 

  • Reactivity 

  • Teamwork/networking, cooperation. Respecting each other's opinions and valuing each other's skills for joint action; 

  • Giving and receiving constructive feedback; 

  • Have an empathetic attitude. Showing interest in what each person experiences and feels, "putting oneself in the other's shoes" and listening to their needs adopting an attitude of acceptance and non-judgement of the person. 

  • Resilience to stress and uncertainty 

  • Creativity and humour to connect with a wide variety of people. 


Contract: Employment contract (according to Ukrainian legislation) Fixed-Term

Type of employment: Full-time

Benefits Package:

  • 30 calendar days for annual leaves 
  • 12 days of internal wellbeing paid leaves annually (pro-rata)
  • Medical Insurance for HI staff and one dependent (tax paid by HI)
  • Individual counselling sessions for HI staff
  • Relocation package might be granted for the managerial positions and key positions if needed 
  • Relevant supportive measures for person with disabilities (if needed)

By submitting the CV application, the applicant gives his/her consent to the processing of his/her personal data (in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine).


HI is an equal opportunity employer. We value diversity and we are committed to creating an inclusive environment based on mutual respect for all employees. We do not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, disability status, religion, ethnic origin, colour, race, marital status, or other protected characteristics. 

All interested candidates irrespective of age, sex, disability status, religion, ethnic origin, colour, race, marital status, or other protected characteristics are encouraged to apply for thevacancy.

If you have a disability and require any special arrangements to assist you during the interview, please inform us with the necessary details.

Handicap International has clear institutional policies on "Child Protection", "Anti-fraud, Bribery and Corruption", "Disability, Gender and Age" and "Protection of Beneficiaries from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment”. It is therefore mandatory for all staff to commit themselves to respect, uphold and promote these policies, and to sign the HI Code and Conduct. 

Регіональний Менеджер (управитель) з персоналу - Центр та Південь 

ПІДПОРЯДКУВАННЯМенеджер Відділу кадрів по країні 

ЛОКАЦІЯ/РЕГІОНЦентр та Південь України – базується у м. Київ (поїздки у інші локації, де НІ здійснює свою діяльність) 

ПРОГРАМА: Україна 

ВАЖЛИВО: Розглядатимуться лише резюме, написані англійською мовою.


Регіональний Менеджер по роботі з персоналом здійснює нагляд за операціями з людськими ресурсами у Центральній та Південній частині України. До обов’язків Регіонального Менеджера з персоналу входить нагляд за роботою місцевих команд з управління персоналом, впровадження політики організації та управління адміністративною діяльністю у Центральній та Південній частині країни, дотримуючись при цьому статутних стандартів. Кандидат повинен бути експертом у сфері управління персоналом та обізнаним щодо найкращих практик кадрової роботи. 


Завдання 1: Операційне впровадження політики управління персоналом 

1.1. Сприяє підвищенню якості ресурсів Програми

  • Впроваджує процес підбору кадрів у Центраof Ukraine and the Southern part of Ukraine, ensuring compliance and quality of the hiring process. 


  • Contributes to HR department budget projects and project analysis from HR perspective. 

 1.2. Career Management and Skills Development

  • Organizes and monitors the personnel management cycle , including the implementation of the career development management policy. 

  • Implements the process of activity management in the Central and Southern regions. 

  • Oversees the consistent implementation of disciplinary procedures in accordance with the organization's policy, ensuring compliance with all legal and labor requirements and regulations 

  • Works with the HR Country Manager on retention strategies and initiatives and contributes to the development of managers' skills in the Central and Southern regions (Manager 2.0). 

 1.3. Administrative personnel management

  • Represents HI in local public administrative bodies (employment service, tax, social security, etc.), if necessary. 

  • Ensures a proper contractual management and monitoring system for the Central and Southern regions. 

  • Implements and monitors the Personnel Protection policy in accordance with HI standards. 

  • Implements programs to ensure people's welfare. 

  • Ensures compliance with the rules for archiving personal files of employees in the Central and Southern regions. 

  • Ensures proper entry and exit procedures for national staff. 

Task 2: Management

  • Leads and manages the HR Department team in

    Central and Southern Regions

    (Administrative Workers, Recruiters and Translators) , including planning, performance monitoring, welfare and development, and facilitating problem solving. 

  • Provides technical support and advice on building the capacity of the HR team. 

  • Exemplifies NO values ​​daily and is a role model. 

  • necessary changes. 

  • Ensures compliance with the code of conduct and institutional policies, morals, and expected personal and group behavior. 

 Task 3: Strategy and Oversight

  • Implements the action plan of the HR Department in

    Central and Southern regions

  • Participates in providing standard indicators of the Human Resources Department in

    Central and Southern regions 

    and helps in mapping and mitigating risks in working with staff, as well as incident resolution. 

 Task 4: Standards and Compliance

  • Supervises the implementation of HR policies and framework activities in the

    Central and Southern regions.< /p>

  • Contributes to audits, archiving procedures and personnel checks

    Central and Southern regions

  • Ensures compliance with legal obligations. 

  • Helps ensure donor compliance within his/her jurisdiction. 

 Task 5: Emergency Preparedness and Response

  • Provides support and facilitates the work of the HR Manageronal across the country regarding emergency preparedness. 



  • Bachelor's degree in Human Resources Management, Law, Business Administration or any other related field
  • Preferred - Master's degree in in the field of Human Resource Management/Master's in Personnel Development/Master's in Business Administration or any other related field

Experience and abilities:

  • 5 years of experience as a Manager in the relevant field, of which at least 3 years as a Senior HR Manager. 
  • 3 years of HR experience. 
  • Ability to facilitate the development of team members: develop the independence of her/his team members. 
  • Ability to make good decisions and move forward. 

  • Ability to simplify and prioritize correctly. 

  • 5 years of experience as the Chief Specialist of the Human Resources Department. Area of ​​responsibility: recruiting, training and development of personnel, payroll, personnel management, labor legislation and IT tools in the work of the Human Resources Department. 

Preferably - previous work experience in International NGOs


  • Fluency in written and spoken English and Ukrainian

Personal qualities:

  • Proactivity

  • Teamwork/Networking , cooperation. Respect each other's opinions and appreciate each other's skills for joint action;    

  • Giving and receiving constructive feedback; 

  • Have an empathetic attitude. Show interest in what each person experiences and feels, "put yourself in the place of another" and listen to his needs, adopt a position of acceptance and do not judgeto kill a person 

  • Resistance to stress and uncertainty

  • Creativity and humor to communicate with a wide range of people. 


Contract:Employment contract (according to the legislation of Ukraine) Term

Type of employment:Full time


  • 30 calendar days of annual leave
  • 12 days of annual paid wellness leave (proportionate to time worked)
  • Health insurance for HI employees and one family member (supplement paid by HI)
  • Individual psychological counseling for employees HI
  • Relocation package may be provided for management and key positions if necessary
  • Appropriate measures support for a person with disabilities (if necessary)


HI is an equal opportunity employer. We value diversity and strive to create an inclusive environment based on mutual respect for all employees. We do not discriminate based on age, sex, disability, religion, ethnic origin, color, race, marital status or other protected characteristics.

All interested candidates, regardless of age, gender, disability, religion, ethnic origin, color, race, marital status or other characteristics, are encouraged to apply for the position.

If you have a disability and require any special arrangements to assist you during the interview, please let us know the necessary details.

Handicap International has transparent institutional policies on Child Protection, Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption, Disability, Gender and Age and Protecting Beneficiaries from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment. They are binding on all employees who are required to respect, uphold and promote these policies and sign the HI Code of Conduct.

By submitting a resume, the applicant consents to the processing of his personal data (in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine).

Without experience
Full-time work
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