Kram, merezha kramnic dekoru ta podarunkiv
Gifts and shopkeeper stores invites a colleague team to the recruiter position .
Our team is more than 120 wonderful people who are superheroes in our business, each of us has its own superpower, which makes our team unique. /P>
Store is 10 stores and several seasonal projects. We are being mounted, so the team is growing. The staff department requires reinforcement.
Our future colleague:
What do we offer? You will work in a colleague department that is ready to exchange experience and build collaboration on mutual respect and positives. .I.I Vakarchuk (former K. Rileyev), What do you need to do? Style: Normal; Internship planning, candidate support at the internship stage, outgoing interviews) Interested in the proposal- Send resume. I will be glad to dare! FONT-Weight: 400 "> We invite you to get acquainted as follows: 1. You send us your resume with a description of experience and expected salary level. Normal; FONT-Weight: 400 "> 2. We are contacting you and communicating on the phone. ; FONT-WIGHT: 400 "> 3. If the phone interview is successful, we plan a singingSid. We will contact you n About the interview. -weight: 400 "> otherwise, your resume will be saved in our database. As soon as we have a position that corresponds to your experience and qualification - we will suggest to consider it.