BLAGOVIST, agentstvo neruhomosti
If you are someone who sets the highest bar for yourself and gets a kick out of solving non-standard situations and insurmountable barriers - our team is for you!If you are someone who strives to develop, regardless of difficulties, and achieve a high financial result even sometimes "because I can't" - to our team!We offer:free and high-quality training in during the work process and in the "School of Experts";payment of advertising;quality advertising, legal, information-consulting and technica
If you are someone who sets the highest bar for yourself and gets a kick out of solving non-standard situations and insurmountable barriers - our team is for you!
If you are someone who strives to develop, regardless of difficulties, and achieve a high financial result even sometimes "because I can't" - to our team!
We offer:
- free and high-quality training in during the work process and in the "School of Experts";
- payment of advertising;
- quality advertising, legal, information-consulting and technical support at all stages of your work;
- personal access to the largest database of Kyiv real estate objects;
- a modern office next to the metro in the center of Kyiv.
Requirements: p>
- willingness to work 24/7 with large amounts of information;
- ability to think critically;
- "cool head" in stressful situations;
- quick adaptation to changing tasks and client needs;
- high level of motivation in constant financial growth;
- willingness to sometimes compromise one's own time for greater financial profit;
- creative , a creative and non-standard approach is welcome (will only increase your financial rating)
Key tasks:
- organization of communication with a potential client;
- conducting an advertising campaign;
- organization of presentations and viewings of real estate objects Only at a convenient time for the Client;
- personal interest in their finances.
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