Park Lane, Agentstvo neruhomosti
what do you get: span>
• Training and advanced training- Seminars, trainings, internal sales, negotiations, legal aspects of real estate span>
• Commission payments-from 45% to 55% span>
• Marketing and Advertising-Agency provides advertising on sites on sites, in span> Social networks, printed editions and span> Other Platforms. span>
• Client base-agency provides access to the largest real estate and potential customers in Kiev. FONT-STYLE: Normal "> • Legal Support-Assistance to Agency Lawyers in Preparation of Contracts, Document Check. FONT-STYLE: Normal "> • CRM systems and IT instruments-real estate databases, market analytics, workflow automation. which supports uninterrupted workpiece and fast and quality service of each client. • Office space-workplace, negotiations, equipment and other resources for customer meetings. FONT-STYLE: Normal "> • Brand reputation-working under a well-known agency adds trust from customers. FONT-STYLE: Normal "> Park Lane" for 18 years in the real estate market. FONT-STYLE: NORMAL "> • SOFT Total Pumping and Hard Skillo
• City Historic Center- or Lunch with a view of the Golden Gate. FONT-STYLE: NORMAL "> • A comfortable workplace with computer equipment
• Work phone
• The largest real estate base in Kiev span>
• Legal support of agreements
• Permanent accompaniment from the manager in the workflow span>
• A democratic approach in all matters span>
• A friendly team with productive work atmosphere!
What do we expect from you:
• We are ready to take without experience and fully teach, but will be relevant to work in sales, in support services, call centers or experience of live business communication. Span style = "font-weight: normal; FONT-STYLE: Normal "> • Time Management skills, willingness to work with large volume of information. FONT-STYLE: Normal "> • It will be easy for us to work with us if you span>
What should you do: span>
• Negotiate with apartments sellers span>
• Select Objects at the request of our clients span>
• Organize and conduct real estate views
• Put advertising span>
• Advise customers on the purchase and sale of
If you feel all about you-call, send a resume, write to the telegram-we will agree on the interview! span>