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Psychosocial support coordinator in Kiyivska oblasna organizaciya Tovaristva Chervonogo Hresta Ukrayini

26 февраля


Kiyivska oblasna organizaciya Tovaristva Chervonogo Hresta Ukrayini

Kiyivska oblasna organizaciya Tovaristva Chervonogo Hresta Ukrayini

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Without experience
Full-time work
Experience in project activity. l> Previous experience of conducting first psychological help or psychosocial support. Understanding the features of working with children and adults. Excellent communication skills. Communication experience with different categories of people, tact and diplomacy. developed organizational and enforcement skills. Ability to learn quickly, attentive. Reporting. Free Knowledge of Ukrainian (Oral and Writing). Excellent computer skills (Word, Excel, Dat

  • Experience in project activity. l>
  • Previous experience of conducting first psychological help or psychosocial support.
  • Understanding the features of working with children and adults.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Communication experience with different categories of people, tact and diplomacy.
  • developed organizational and enforcement skills.
  • Ability to learn quickly, attentive. Reporting.
  • Free Knowledge of Ukrainian (Oral and Writing).
  • Excellent computer skills (Word, Excel, Databases, etc.)
  • Observance of the principle of confidentiality of information.

    Basic responsibilities and tasks:

    • Responsibility for the deployment of psychosocial support activities (PSP) in the region.
    • Ensuring compliance and implementation l>
    • Control and track of the tasks of the PSP direction at the regional level.
    • Working in coordination with specialists with specialists with PSP, chairman of the regional organization of TCU for establishing a system of providing PSP in the region.
    • coordinating the activities of volunteer leaders with PSP in areas and cities of the region. For Volunteers of PSP direction.
    • Creating an activity plan, including a schedule PSP. the most vulnerable population groups, establishing work with your compact IDPs, etc.
    • Ensuring preparation and availability of all necessary materials For activities with PSP, trainings (including on the ground).
    • Organization of trainings, meetings, seminars.
    • Promotion Lists of participants of the event, filling in the accounting journal of service recipients and others. PSP
    • Preparation and submission of the necessary reporting documentation.
    • Creating a system of training and support of employees and volunteers in the region, including planning and providing the necessary trainings, monthly team meetings, etc.
    • Control of compliance with minimum standardsProvision of PSP in conditions of response to an armed conflict in Ukraine. Style: Normal "> Terms Works:

      • full-time; 

    Without experience
    Full-time work
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