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Psychologist in a mobile brigade in humedica e.V

1 March


humedica e.V

humedica e.V

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Psychologist for Mobile Unit - Ukraine Written by: Project Manager Ukraine Date: 21/11/2024 PSIOL: Entrepreneur starting Date: ASAP Availliness: 6 MONTS Country: Ukraine Base: Chernihiv Since 1991, Humedica Ev Has Been Active in Ukraine, Providing Humanitarian Aid and Medical Equipment to Local Non-Government. Following the Full-Scale War That Began in 2022, Humedica Significantly Increated It Humanitarian Activities and Open ITS FULLY REGISTED OFFICE INFFICE IN KYIV IN 2023

Psychologist for Mobile Unit - Ukraine

Written by: Project Manager Ukraine

Date: 21/11/2024

PSIOL: Entrepreneur

starting Date: ASAP

Availliness: 6 MONTS

Country: Ukraine

Base: Chernihiv

Since 1991, Humedica Ev Has Been Active in Ukraine, Providing Humanitarian Aid and Medical Equipment to Local Non-Government. Following the Full-Scale War That Began in 2022, Humedica Significantly Increated It Humanitarian Activities and Open ITS FULLY REGISTED OFFICE INFFICE IN KYIV IN 2023. Local non -governmental organizations and health care facilities and health care and medical equipment. After a full -scale war, which began in 2022, Housedica significantly increased the volume of humanitarian measures and opened its fully registered representation in Kiev in 2023. 

Humedica Has Been Implementing Projects in Ukraine Since 2022. The Organization's Projects Are Aimed at Improving Access to And The Quality of Healing, Psychociac. Populations affed by the Conflict in Rural and Hard-to-Reach Areas in the North and Northeast of Ukraine. The Project Is Implemented Through Mobile Teams that Provide Medical, Psychosocial, and Legal Assistance to People in Areas Where Medical Services Are Dificult, Non-Existent facilites.  

with the help of a general Practition, a nursse, a psychologist and a lawyer, the mobile teams will Provide Direct Services to the Population and, If (If) Will Provide Medical, Psychosocial and Legal Protection Services to the Affected Population in Rural Areas and Hard-to-Reach Areas in the North and North-East of Ukraine. 

Humedica has been implementing projects in Ukraine since 2022. The organizations of the organization are aimed at improving the access and quality of medical, psychosocial and legal services for vulnerable groups affected by the conflict in rural areas and inaccessible areas in the north and northeast of Ukraine. The project is implemented through mobile crews that provide medical, psychosocial and legal assistance to people in areas where medical services are complicated, are absent or inaccessible to people who cannot reach medical facilities.  

With the help of a general practice physician, a nurse, a psychologist and a lawyer, mobile crews will provide direct services to the population and, if necessary, departure to places (villages, settlements) and provide services for medical, psychosocial and legal protection to the victims of the village and in the countryside. 

2. Objectives of Mobile Teams:

  • Restore Access to Primary Health Care Service for Idps and Host Communities
  • Improve Specialized. Gender-Based Violence Within Idps and Host Communities
  • Improve ACcess to Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services for IDPS AND HOST COMMUNITIES

goals Population

  • Improve specialized assistance to victims of sexual and gender-motivated violence among displaced persons and host groups
  • Improve access to mental health and psychosocial support services for displaced persons and host groups
  • Main Responsibilites of Psychologists

    The MH Psychologist, Under the Supervision of Project For:

    • Providing Quality Mhps Care to Patients Who Use The Services of the Mobile Team, As Well As MHPS to Survivors of Sexual and Gender-Based Viol. Members of the Mobile Team. 
    • Developing Materials and Conductoring Training for Medical Staff on MHPSS IN THE WORKPLACE IN THE FABILITIES WHERE The MU WORKS Gender-Based Violence. 
    • Developing and Conductoring Awareness-Raising Sessions in the Communities Where the Mobile Team Operates to Raise Awareness and Expand Knowledge on Mhps and Sups and Gbv; Providing Primary Health Care to the Population. 

    3. MB, as well as PZSPP to persons who have survived sexual and gender-motivated violence and patients aimed at other MB members; violence. 

  • Development and conduct of information and educational sessions in communities where the mobile brigade works, to raise awareness and expand knowledge in the field of PSPSP and GZN;
  • support of all MB in providing primary health care to the population. 
  • 3.A Provision of Quality MHPSS CARE

    • to Provide Quality MHPSS CARE FOR BEENFICIA Needed
    • Coordinating and Following up with Beneficiaries Identified by Health Staff and Other Local Structures As Requiring Psychological Support
    • Provide Psychological Support and Follow Up to Vitims of Sexual and Gender violence

    3.a Provision of quality PSAPS Services

    Provision of high-quality PZSPS services to beneficiaries, including

    • Beneficiaries
    • coordination and subsequent support of beneficiaries, identified by medical staff and other local structures as needing psychological support
    • redirecting in accordance with Humedica and medical recommendations to meet other needs of beneficiaries
    • . Violences

    3.b training and awareness raising

    • to Support Mhpss Training Needs of Health Workers (Nurses, Feldsers, Doctors) In Health Facil. The Job Training on Topics Such As Psychological First Aid, Early Identification of Mental Health Symptoms, Psychosocial Aspects of GBV etc) Facilities WHERE HUMEDICA IS OPERATING
    • Developing/Adapting and Delivering Mhpss Training Modules in Accordance to Assessed Needs and Level of Theoretical and Pracatic Health

    3.B Learning and raising awareness

    • Supporting the needs for training with PZSPSP medical workers (nurses, paramedics, doctors) in health care facilities. mental health, psychosocial aspects of Gon, etc.), including
    • evaluation of training needs in medical institutions where Humedica works. 
    • Develop/Adaptation and Conducting CLCSP Educational sessions according to the assessed needs and levels of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of health care

    and mhpssesues, including

    • assessing needs for awareness development in communities and development strategies Awareness raising sessions in accountance to assessed Needs and Level of Knowledge of Community Humedica MHPSS Guidelines and Standards. 


    • Compile and Submit Mental Health Activity Data Daily in Accordance with Established M & E Toolkit


    • Assessment of community awareness needs and developing strategies for coverage of specific vulnerable groups
    • Conducting information sessions with the PSAPP in accordance with the assessed needs and levels of community knowledge
    • Guidelines.  

    PSPSP Information and Reports

    • Collect and submit data on mental health activity daily in accordance with the established monitoring and assessment tools
    • to provide information to the provisions of the Coordinator with the CPD. Housedica.


    • Helping facilitates coordination and partnership with the health workers 

    • Collaborating and participating in field survey and data collection as needed 

    • Collaborating as needed with the other partner organizations for a more harmonious and well-coordinated implementation on the field level. 

    • To abide by norms, principles, code of conduct and safety protocols established for the country and humedica mission

    • To be flexible in performing her/his duties to ensure that beneficiaries receive quality services

    • To maintain good socio-professional relationships with national and international partners

    • To attend/participate in planning of the content of team meetings and to give qualitative input to improve services

    • To perform other additional duties on request of the MHPSS Coordinator


    • Сприяння координації та партнерству з медичними працівниками 
    • Співпраця та участь у польових дослідженнях та зборі даних у разі потреби 
    • Співпраця, за необхідності, з іншими партнерськими організаціями для більш гармонійного та скоординованого впровадження на місцевому рівні. 
    • Дотримуватися норм, принципів, кодексу поведінки та протоколів безпеки, встановлених для країни та місії humedica
    • Бути гнучким у виконанні своїх обов'язків, щоб гарантувати, що бенефіціари отримують якісні послуги
    • Підтримувати хороші соціально-професійні відносини з національними та міжнародними партнерами
    • Брати участь у плануванні змісту зустрічей команди та робити якісний внесок у покращення послуг
    • Виконувати інші додаткові обов'язки на вимогу Координатора з питань ПЗПСП.
    1. Hierarchical and Functional links                                                                                 

    Hierarchical link: Project Manager Ukraine

    Technical link: MHPSS Manager

    4. Profile required

    •  Certified psychologist 
    • At least 5 years of clinical experience in the field of mental health, preferably in direct provision of mental health services in local healthcare facilities
    • Crisis consulting skills, knowledge of low intensity protocols and programs 
    • Knowledge, skills and experience in providing first aid and support to survivors of sexual and gender-based violence.
    • Advanced level of Ukrainian language, basic English and Russian is desirable 
    • Ability to use MS Word and Excel
    • Ability to work in a team and adapt in the performance of duties to support other members of the mobile team
    • Ability to work independently and make creative decisions to create and conduct training and outreach activities that promote community engagement.
    • Experience working in a humanitarian emergency is an advantage.


    • Дипломований психолог. Повна вища освіта. 
    • Щонайменше 5 роки клінічного досвіду у сфері психічного здоров'я, переважно безпосереднє надання послуг з охоMental health ranies in local health care institutions. 
    • Crisis advising skills, knowledge of low -intensity protocols and programs.  
    • Knowledge, skills and experience in providing first psychological assistance and supporting those who have experienced sexual and gender-motivated violence. Fulfillment

      4. Personal Skills Required / This Position Requires a High Degree of Confidentiality, Honesty and Impartiality. 

      • ThoROUGHNESS AND SELF-SANFICY at Work. Self-Selficiency at Work. Reception.
      • Stress Management
      • Willing and Able to Work Productiely in A Challenge Environment
      • Cultural Awareness and Adaptability

      4 . Personal skills needed / This position requires a high level of confidentiality, honesty and impartiality.  

      - care and independence in work. 

      - readiness for Sunday business trips to the community where the mobile team will organize a reception. 

      - communication skills (written and oral) and interpersonal communication

      - desire and ability to productively work in difficult conditions

      - cultural awareness and adaptability

      - Ability to work in team

    Without experience
    Full-time work
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