"Factory of apartments" is a Ukrainian company that specializes in the provision of design repairs services turnkey and construction. We occupy a leading market position due to our reputation and high level of service. As a leader in the turnkey design market, the company has proven itself as a reliable partner for individuals and businesses seeking quality and stylish repairs. > Geography of our Branch: m. Ivano-Frankivsk- central office m. Lviv m. Kyiv m. Odesa m. Krakow I
"Factory of apartments" is a Ukrainian company that specializes in the provision of design repairs services turnkey and construction. We occupy a leading market position due to our reputation and high level of service. As a leader in the turnkey design market, the company has proven itself as a reliable partner for individuals and businesses seeking quality and stylish repairs. > Geography of our Branch:
- m. Ivano-Frankivsk- central office
- m. Lviv
- m. Kyiv
- m. Odesa
- m. Krakow
In connection with the expansion of the company, we invite to work a project manager.
- management of projects in the field of repair and construction;
- control of quality of compliance with the technological sequence of construction and repair work at facilities; /
- Brigade and Contractors Management, Interaction with Other Company Division budgets and terms;
- Project reporting and documentation. -weight: 700 "> Requirements:
we offer: - Competitive Wage;
- Work in a stable company with good reputation;
- Career growth opportunities;
- friendly and professional team.
We are looking for a responsible and initiative specialist who wants to develop with the company. We expect your resume!