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Product Marketing Manager in Join UP!, grupa turistichnih kompaniy

19 February


Join UP!, grupa turistichnih kompaniy

Join UP!, grupa turistichnih kompaniy

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Full-time work
we- join up! and SkyUp Airlines -together we form a group of companies. Our team is 1500 + professionals in Ukraine and abroad.  Join Up! : 400 "> is a Ukrainian tour operator founded in 2010 is one of The most powerful tour operators and the most powerful players in the tourist market of Ukraine. We work in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland and Romania, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In general, the portfolio Join Up! More than 40

we- join up! and SkyUp Airlines -together we form a group of companies. Our team is 1500 + professionals in Ukraine and abroad. 

Join Up! : 400 "> is a Ukrainian tour operator founded in 2010 is one of The most powerful tour operators and the most powerful players in the tourist market of Ukraine. We work in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland and Romania, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In general, the portfolio Join Up! More than 40 directions. The tour operator's portfolio of more than 7000 hotels, of which more than 250 are exclusive.  

join up! ™ along with your strategic partner SkyUp Airlines is UNITED24 official partners of the presidential initiative.  

Our mission-encourage travel to change people's outlook. 

we invite to a team of people who are genuinely in love with their work, those who are ready to take calls and turn them Opportunities, and will also share our values.  

Together with us you get experience in an international company, you will be able to put your knowledge into practice, implement cool projects and to develop professionally. We believe that the best decisions are found and implemented when anyone can contribute. Here you will have the opportunity not only to offer ideas, but also to implement them. We are together! 

To achieve our ambitious goals we are looking for to our team. 

In this role you will:

  • To promote the products of the tour operator on the B2B market;
  • form DMC budgets for activities and advertising campaigns; ll> provide resources for further promotion of products on the B2C market, including providing free numbers and marketing budgets in cooperation with hotels; (organize marketing campaigns with hotels, etc.);
  • organize domestic and external training such as advertising tours, seminars, webinars, etc. and promoters;
  • inform all companies of the company about launching new products, sales features, product benefits etc
  • initiate and launchATI shares to promote sales;
  • Analyze the load of commercially important hotels and motivate the market to active sales;
  • update content on B2B site.

We We expect from you:

  • Experience in the tourist operator, knowledge of directions and specifics of tourism business.
  • Ready for frequent business trips abroad.
  • A spoken level of English language.
  • Ability to work in a team.
  • Self-tour experience will be an advantage.

What do we offer:

  • a career at a large international company that quickly and confidently scales. 
  • We support the development of colleagues and offer: Grow Up Corporate University, Compensation for Foreign Learning and Trainings. 
  • Culture of openness, equality and support. 
  • Annual paid vacation and hospital.  
  • Corporate Health Insurance.  
  • Competitive wages.  
  • Corporate discounts on travel with Join Up! 
  • We are friendly to Remout: you can work from anywhere in Ukraine or even planets. And if you want, come to our office and take a pet with you-we are Pet-freely. Our office is equipped with a generator and Starlinka.  
  • We are proud of being Ukrainian business and doing our best to support the country and each other: we have an internal charitable initiative of Together with, where we assist colleagues in the Armed Forces. 

Test Task (optional)> Interview and acquaintance with the team leader> Job Offer

"> *Please note that the resume is up to 10 working days. If we have not contacted you during this period, it means that we are not ready to invite you for an interview. But we will save your resume in our candidate's basis to offer other career opportunities relevant to your experience in the future. 

more about us:

< href = " Naw5hbfvybci6imh0dhbzoi8vam9pbnvlnvlnvhl3vrlyisilzilzilzhy2fuy3ljzci6mta0mta0mzqwntth9 " RL = "NoFollow Noopener Noreferr" STYLE = "Text-Decoration: None; Font-Style: Normal; Font-Weight: 400" Target = "_blank"> style = "font-style: Normal;href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" style="text-decoration: none; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400" target="_blank">Join UP!: Overview | LinkedIn 

Туроператор Join UP | Kyiv | Facebook 

Туроператор Join UP! (@joinup.touroperator) • Фото и видео в Instagram/ 


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