"Datahub" LLC is a leader in the field of video analytics, in connection with the expansion is looking for Photo/video processing operators.
We offer:
2. The ability to independently choose a schedule on a permanent basis,
where 8 working hours (income from UAH 6,960 to UAH 9,500):
< ul style="font-style: normal; font-weight: 400">3. Work formats: office in Kropyvnytskyi, or remote format for all other territory of Ukraine.
4. Career growth in a short time.
You are suitable for us if:
Responsibilities:Primary responsibility will be to annotate data for further AI training, where annotation is the extraction process objects in their environment.
Technical requirements for operation (remote):< /b> PC or laptop, OS 8GB RAM or more, Windows 7/10/11 or Linux OS, widescreen with a minimum resolution of 1920/1080, Mouse (not touchpad), keyboard and working headset (headphones and microphone), stable Internet connection.
For Macbook users:any model, mouse (not touchpad).
For more information, contact:
Yulia: +380950078716; Anastasia: +380955551146; Daria +380672759318
Become a part of the DataHub team by MUST pass the test, which will also give you an understanding of what annotation is: https://zwys1m8tapb.typeform.com/to/tjiWXkbT;