Cifrove vidavnictvo EKSPERTUS
Digital Publishing House Expert - is a Ukrainian publisher of software products and specialized publications. We are a dynamic company that works with modern products and technologies. Do:
1. Help customers in solving personnel questions online.
2. To help resolve questions in writing.
What is important to us (requirements for the candidate):
2. Ability to navigate changes in labor legislation.
3. Promptly find consultations on the right topic.
4. Ability to communicate with customers and colleagues.
5. Having a computer and a good Internet. Access to the Internet, regardless of electrical.
cooperation with us is:
1. Ability to work at the Kiev company remotely from anywhere in Ukraine.
2. Guarantee that you will not lose the workplace tomorrow (we have successfully survived all the lockers, we work now and have not closed the office door for a day).
3. Official relations with social guarantees
4. Work schedule - Monday to Friday, full working day ( we do not consider part -time ). Distance work. Visiting the office at will. On foot from Kontraktova Square. Tea, coffee - at the expense of the company.
is important. During the work, the consultant should be constantly communicated and respond promptly to customer requests, which requires constant stay near the laptop.
5. Corporate and if necessary - external training.
6. Career growth, both horizontally and vertically (about 48% of our executives grew inside the company).
7. Step -by -step adaptation in position with the proposed plan and with an experienced mentor (for each newcomer we prepare an individual adaptation plan).
8. After victory-loud and fun corporate events with additional encouragement for workers (eg Pizza Day, workshops on the preparation of chocolate products, themed draws).