Gorbanivskiy geriatrichniy pansionat veteraniv viyni ta praci, KU
The occupational safety engineer develops an effective targeted occupational safety management system, contributes to the improvement of the activities of each structural unit. Conducts operative and methodical management of all labor protection work. Organizes: - provision of workers with rules, standards, norms, regulations and other normative documents; - methodical assistance to department heads in the development of instructions; - accounting and analysis of non-industrial and industrial injuries, occupational diseases, accidents, and also ensures their investigation in accordance with existing requirements ;- preparation of statistical reports on occupational health and safety;- development of prospective and current work plans of the boarding house to create safe and harmless working conditions. The occupational health and safety engineer participates in:- investigation of accidents and accidents;- development of provisions, instructions, other regulatory documents occupational health and safety for the boarding house. Considers letters, statements and complaints of employees on occupational health and safety issues. Provides assistance to the heads of departments and services in the development of occupational health and safety measures. Prepares draft orders on occupational health and safety issues. Monitors: - compliance with current legislation, cross-industry, sectoral and other regulatory acts, implementation by employees of job instructions on occupational health and safety issues; - compliance with the requirements of State Standards and the State Labor Department, proposals and submissions of authorized labor groups and trade unions from issues of labor protection, use of the funds of the labor protection fund as intended" - compliance with regulations on labor protection of machines and mechanisms, equipment, vehicles, personal protective equipment for workers, availability of necessary documentation at workplaces; - timeliness of training and briefing of workers, certification and re-certifications on labor protection of officials and persons who perform work with increased danger, as well as compliance with safety requirements when performing these works; - employment of women, minors and disabled people in accordance with current legislation; - passing a preliminary (when hiring) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations of employees engaged in heavy work, work with harmful and dangerous working conditions or those where there is a need for professional selection, passing annual medical examinations of persons under the age of 21. Liaises with third-party organizations on labor protection issues, organizes the implementation of scientific recommendations on these issues. Develops recommendations aimed at increasing the level of safety, occupational hygiene and improving the state of the production environment in units. The boarding house provides information on labor protection, including the causes of accidents and accidents, preparation of proposals for their prevention.