Epicentr K
We invite an Occupational Safety Engineer to the team of the national network "Epicenter K" at : Mykolaiv city, Khersonske Shosse, 1.
The company offers:
Your task:
control over employees' compliance with regulatory requirements on labor protection, administrative documents on labor protection issues and measures to eliminate the causes of accidents, occupational diseases and accidents;
conducting briefings on labor protection issues;
fulfilment of the requirements of the instructions on labor protection, rules for handling machines, mechanisms, equipment and other means of production, instructions on fire safety and civil protection;
development of work instructions, instructions on labor protection and fire safety;
passing all types of checks by external and internal services and structures;
organization and implementation of measures to create safe working conditions, prevent injuries on the territory of the shopping center;
execution of administrative documents of controlling organizations.
It is important for us:
work experience as a full-time occupational safety engineer for at least 2 years at factories, shopping centers, logistics complexes;
knowledge of legislation on labor protection, regulation of economic activity, basics of environmental legislation;
knowledge of regulatory documentation on labor protection, operation of technological equipment, fire safety;
confident MS Office user;
proactivity, responsibility, conscientious attitude to the performance of duties.
Dear candidates! Have questions or interested in details?Call +38(050) 352 32 49 < /p>
Regards, TheHR Team "Epicenter K"