vacancy: .net-programmer Full Stack " Looking for a talented .net .Net-software Full Stack with experience of working from 5 years to work in an office in Kiev or possible remote format. FONT-Weight: 400 "> Minimum requirements: Experience with .NET technologies Experience working with Angular Frameramwork Knowledge C# Experience with POSTGRESQL databases Working with HT
vacancy: .net-programmer Full Stack
Looking for a talented .net .Net-software Full Stack with experience of working from 5 years to work in an office in Kiev or possible remote format. FONT-Weight: 400 "> Minimum requirements:
- Experience with .NET technologies
- Experience working with Angular Frameramwork
- Knowledge C#
- Experience with POSTGRESQL databases
- Working with HTML, CSS
- Amazon Web Services
- A good understanding Ability to work in a team, use Jira
- Ability to quickly solve non-standard tasks
Respond to integration with:
- Unity/Mobile Native/Web
- Translations (API)
If you are ready to join the new team and you meet the requirements-write in the telegram at 067-3212420 span> or leave your response of the site.
Let's see you on the team!