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National Trainer (Consultant) on Project Management - International Organization for Migration (IOM), Representation in Ukraine in Mizhnarodna organizaciya z migraciyi / MOM

Posted more than 30 days ago


Mizhnarodna organizaciya z migraciyi / MOM

Mizhnarodna organizaciya z migraciyi / MOM

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Full-time work
Kindly note that all applications should be submitted through the IOM Global Career Site( Link). Applications submitted in any other manner will not be considered. Annex 2 - TERMS OF REFERENCEFOR THE CONSULTANCY CONTRACT OF: National Trainer (Consultant) on Project ManagementDuty Station of the Consultancy: Home-based, with frequent travel to Kyiv, Chernihiv or Sumy OblastsDuration of Consultancy: 4 months, with possibility of extension subject to availability funds and satisfactory job performa

Kindly note that all applications should be submitted through the IOM Global Career Site( Link). Applications submitted in any other manner will not be considered. 


FOR THE CONSULTANCY CONTRACT OF: National Trainer (Consultant) on Project Management

  1. Duty Station of the Consultancy: Home-based, with frequent travel to Kyiv, Chernihiv or Sumy Oblasts
  2. Duration of Consultancy: 4 months, with possibility of extension subject to availability funds and satisfactory job performance
  3. Nature of the consultancy: Category B

Under the overall supervision of the Chief of Mission (CoM), with the direct supervision of the Project Specialist (Community Participation and Cohesion), the Consultant will perform consultancy services under the Project “Livelihood+: Economic Integration of Internally Displaced People and Persons affected by War” and will supplement IOM’s efforts to foster a conducive environment for early recovery in selected war-affected communities in Kyiv, Chernihiv or Sumy Oblasts.

  1. Project Context and Scope:

The overarching goal of the “Livelihood+: Economic Integration of Internally Displaced People and Persons affected by War” Project funded by KFW Development Bank on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is to improve the socio-economic integration and resilience of IDPs, returnees and host communities by fostering community solidarity and facilitating sustainable employment in Chernihiv, Kyiv and Sumy Oblasts. The Project will do so by leveraging innovative approaches and technology to foster the creation of an enabling environment for economic resilience, durable solutions, including through local integration, and early recovery.

One of the Project components on strengthening social resilience falls under IOM Ukraine’s Community Participation and Cohesion (CPC) Programme, which focuses on building resilient communities that are empowered to be drivers of peace and positive change. The Programme adopts a community-based planning and cohesion approach (CBPC), which engages local communities to drive their recovery pathways to address possible sources of tensions within and between communities. The Programme includes three key pillars, (i) build capacity for inclusive and participatory governance; (ii) mainstream social cohesion; and (iii) strengthen coordination mechanisms to link national, regional, and local recovery strategies. Through the combined emphasis on capacity building, coordination, and awareness raising, the programme helps embedding local recovery efforts within existing national and regional policy frameworks, while remaining flexible and adaptable to dynamic contexts.

In alignment with the core pillars of the programme, within the Livelihoods+ Project IOM will facilitate the process of community-based socio-economic planning to strengthen the social fabric by supporting inclusive and representative local governance processes, building the capacities of community stakeholders, authorities, and local civil society organizations, and improving the conditions for the social integration of IDPs, returnees, minorities and vulnerable social segments. In doing so, IOM supported the establishment of communal decision-making structures, namely Community development councils (CDCs), which included representatives of local authorities, women, youth, the elderly, persons living with disabilities, IDPs, private sector representatives, and members of other community groups. The said CDCs will be empowered and capacitated to drive the development of community recovery plans, through the prioritization, implementation, and supervision of recovery activities that will help strengthen local resilience, support recovery, and improve socio-economic well-being and integration. 

To this purpose, IOM is recruiting a National Trainer (Consultant) who will be responsible for conducting a "Training of Trainers" (ToT), including the development of the training program and providing ongoing support to the community trainers during multi-disciplinary training sessions in 12 communities across the Kyiv, Chernihiv, and Sumy Oblasts. The objective of the ToT is to equip qualified instructors from within the communities with the skills necessary to transfer knowledge to other community members, contributing to the project's goal of promoting social sustainability and long-term solutions, particularly through integration into local communities and supporting rapid recovery.

The content of the ToT will be based on a training needs assessment conducted among CDC members, addressing current challenges, knowledge gaps, and community needs. Topics expected to be covered include media literacy, effective communication, conflict mediation, and project management, with a focus on how these subjects can foster social cohesion and enhance a collaborative environment within the community.

  1. Organizational Department / Unit to which the National Trainer (Consultant) is contributing:

Transition and Recovery Unit.

  1. Category B Consultants: Tangible and measurable outputs of the work assignment.

Deliverable 1 by February 28, 2025:

  • Develop training materials including training presentation, manual for the participants and hand-out materials with description of practical cases and exercises as well as detailed information on the training for "Training of Trainers"(ToT) on project management together with other two National trainers (Consultants).

Deliverable 2 by April 10, 2025:

  • Draft pre and post assessment forms to monitor learning objectives for the "Training of Trainers"(ToT).
  • Conduct one three-day Training of Trainers (ToT) offline for selected community members in collaboration with the other two National Trainers (Consultants).
  • Summarize insight from ToT training program and develop training and presentation materials for one and a half day multidisciplinary training on subjects related to those indicated in the Terms of Reference in collaboration with other National trainers (Consultants).
  • In coordination with community trainers to set the schedule for multidisciplinary training in every targeted community and provide it to IOM.
  • Support community trainers in invitation of community members to participate in the trainings through various community channels and preparing preliminary participant lists per IOM template.
  • Submit pre and post assessment results not later than 5 working days after the training.

Deliverable 3 by May 02, 2025

  • Conduct additional online facilitation skills session to the trained community trainers.
  • Provide post training support online session on evaluation methods.
  • Draft pre and post assessment forms to monitor learning objectives for the multidisciplinary training.
  • Supervise the facilitation of the multidisciplinary training in 2 project communities.
  • Submit pre and post assessment results not later than 5 working days after the training.

Deliverable 4 by May 23, 2025

  • Supervise the facilitation of the multidisciplinary training in 2 project communities.
  • Submit pre and post assessment results not later than 5 working days after the training.
  • Facilitate online experience exchange session between trained community trainers.
  • Compile, review, and consolidate the inputs from trained trainers into a comprehensive multidisciplinary training monitoring report including challenges occurred and lessons learned.
  1. Performance indicators for the evaluation of results
  • 1 presentation and accompanying materials on "Training of Trainers"(ToT).
  • 1 presentation and accompanying materials on multidisciplinary training for 4 communities.
  • 1 presentation and accompanying materials for facilitation skills session.
  • Pre and post assessment forms to monitor learning objectives for the "Training of Trainers"(ToT).
  • Pre and post assessment forms to monitor learning objectives for the multidisciplinary training.
  • Multidisciplinary training monitoring report including challenges occurred and lessons learned.
  1. Education, Experience and/or skills required


  • High school diploma/certificate or equivalent with at least 6 years of relevant work experience; OR
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Social Science, Public Administration, Economics or related field with at least 4 years of professional work experience.


  • Proven experience in developing training courses on subjects related to those indicated in the Terms of Reference;
  • Proven experience in conducting training courses on the subjects related to those indicated in the Terms of Reference;
  • Proven experience in facilitating events;
  • Proven experience in developing coordination frameworks for the timely completion and quality assurance of project deliverables;
  • Proven experience in working with local authorities and community actors on community-level initiatives;
  • Strong communication skills;
  • Report revision skills;
  • Excellent Microsoft Word, Power Point and Excel skills;
  • Experience in working with IOM, other UN Agencies, or NGOs is an advantage.


  • Fluency in Ukrainian;
  • Working knowledge of English is desirable.
  1. Travel required

Yes, it is expected that the National Trainer (Consultant) will perform their services offline with duty travels to the hromada locations identified in Kyiv, Chernihiv or Sumy Oblasts in close coordination with IOM and/or its implementing partners operating in the Oblasts.

  1. Competencies


  • Inclusion and respect for diversity: respects and promotes individual and cultural differences; encourages diversity and inclusion wherever possible;
  • Integrity and transparency: maintains high ethical standards and acts in a manner consistent with organizational principles/rules and standards of conduct;
  • Professionalism: demonstrates ability to work in a composed, competent and committed manner and exercises careful judgment in meeting day-to-day challenges;
  • Courage: demonstrates willingness to take a stand on issues of importance;
  • Empathy: shows compassion for others, makes people feel safe, respected and fairly treated.

Core Competencies – behavioural indicators

  • Teamwork: develops and promotes effective collaboration within and across units to achieve shared goals and optimize results;
  • Delivering results: produces and delivers quality results in a service-oriented and timely manner; is action-oriented and committed to achieving agreed outcomes;
  • Managing and sharing knowledge: continuously seeks to learn, share knowledge and innovate;
  • Accountability: takes ownership for achieving the Organization’s priorities and assumes responsibility for own action and delegated work;
  • Communication: encourages and contributes to clear and open communication; explains complex matters in an informative, inspiring and motivational way.
  1. How to apply:

Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications ONLY through this Link (Position number 12177) by  14 November 2024 the latest.  

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.  

IOM Careers

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is the only international inter-governmental agency with a specific mandate for migration and is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration.

          Зверніть увагу, що всі заявки слід подавати через сайт кар’єри МОМ ( Link). Заявки, подані іншим способом, розглядатися не будуть.


КОНСУЛЬТАЦІЙНИЙ КОНТРАКТ: Національний тренер (консультант) з управління проєктами

  1. Місце консультування: віддалено, з частими поїздками  в Київську, Чернігівську або Сумську області
  2. Тривалість консультування: 4 місяці, з можливістю продовження за умови наявності коштів та задовільного виконання роботи
  3. Характер консультування:  Категорія В

Під загальним керівництвом Голови Представництва, під безпосереднім керівництвом Спеціаліста проєкту «Участь та згуртованість громади», Консультант надаватиме консультаційні послуги в рамках Проєкту «Життєздатність+: економічна інтеграція внутрішньо переміщених осіб та постраждалих від війни» та доповнить зусилля МОМ, спрямовані на створення сприятливого середовища для раннього відновлення в окремих постраждалих від війни громадах Київської, Чернігівської та Сумської областей.  

  1. Контекст та масштаб проекту:  

Головною метою проєкту «Життєздатність+: економічна інтеграція внутрішньо переміщених осіб та постраждалих від війни», що фінансується Банком розвитку KFW від імені Федерального міністерства економічного співробітництва та розвитку Німеччини (BMZ) є покращення соціально-економічної інтеграції та стійкості ВПО, репатріантів та приймаючих громад шляхом зміцнення солідарності громад та сприяння сталій зайнятості в Чернігівській, Київській та Сумській областях. Проєкт робитиме це шляхом використання інноваційних підходів та технологій для створення сприятливого середовища для економічної стійкості, довгострокових рішень, у тому числі шляхом інтеграції на місцевому рівні, та раннього відновлення.  

Один із компонентів проєкту щодо зміцнення соціальної стійкості підпадає під дію Програми МОМ Україна «Участь та згуртованість громад» (CPC), яка зосереджена на розбудові стійких громад, здатних бути рушійною силою миру та позитивних змін. Програма застосовує підхід планування та згуртованості на рівні громади (CBPC), який залучає місцеві громади до управління їхніми шляхами відновлення для усунення можливих джерел напруженості всередині та між громадами. Програма включає три ключові напрямки: (i) розбудова потенціалу для інклюзивного та партисипативного врядування; (ii) загальна соціальна згуртованість; та (iii) зміцнення координаційних механізмів для зв’язку національних, регіональних та місцевих стратегій відновлення. Завдяки об’єднаному акценту на розбудові потенціалу, координації та підвищенні обізнаності, програма допомагає вбудувати зусилля з відновлення на місцевому рівні в існуючі національні та регіональні політичні рамки, залишаючись при цьому гнучкими та адаптивними до динамічних контекстів.  

У відповідності з ключовими напрямками програми, у рамках проєкту «Життєздатність+» МОМ сприятиме процесу соціально-економічного планування на рівні громад для зміцнення соціальної структури шляхом підтримки інклюзивних та представницьких процесів місцевого врядування, розбудови потенціалу зацікавлених сторін громади, органів влади та місцевих організацій громадянського суспільства, а також покращення умов для соціальної інтеграції ВПО, репатріантів, меншин та вразливих соціальних верств. Роблячи це, МОМ підтримала створення громадських структур прийняття рішень, а саме Рад розвитку громад (CDC), до складу яких увійшли представники місцевої влади, жінки, молодь, люди старшого віку, особи з інвалідністю, внутрішньо переміщені особи, представники приватного сектору та члени інших громадських груп. Зазначені Ради (CDC) будуть наділені повноваженнями та спроможністю керувати пріоритизацією, впровадженням та наглядом за діяльністю, яка допоможе зміцнити місцеву стійкість, підтримати відновлення та покращити соціально-економічний добробут та інтеграцію.  

З цією метою МОМ наймає Національного тренера (Консультанта), який відповідатиме за проведення «Тренінгу для тренерів» (ToT), включаючи розробку програми навчання та надання подальшої підтримки тренерам із громад під час мультидисциплінарних тренінгів у 12 громадах Київської, Чернігівської та Сумської областей. Метою ТоТ є підготовка кваліфікованих інструкторів із громад навичками, необхідними для передачі знань іншим членам громади, підтримуючи мету проєкту сприяsocial sustainability and long-term solutions, in particular through integration into local communities and support for rapid recovery.

The content of the ToT will be based on a training needs assessment conducted by among CDC members, to address current issues, knowledge gaps, and community needs. Topics such as media literacy, effective communication, conflict mediation, and project management are expected to be covered, focusing on how these topics can contribute to social cohesion and improve collaborative communities.

  1. Organizational department / division to which the National Trainer (Consultant) joins:

Department of Transition and Recovery, Community Participation and Cohesion Program.

  1. Consultant category B: Tasks performed under this contract:

Indicator 1 to be fulfilled by February 28, 2025:

  • Develop training materials, including a training presentation, participant manual and handouts with descriptions of practical cases and exercises, as well as detailed information about the Training of Trainers (ToT) training of project management together with other two National Trainers (Consultants).

Indicator 2 to be completed by April 10, 2025:

  • Develop pre- and post-assessment forms to monitor the Training of Trainers (ToT) learning objectives.
  • Conduct one three-day offline Training of Trainers (ToT) for selected members of the community in collaboration with two other National Trainers (Consultants).
  • Consolidate knowledge from the ToT curriculum and develop training and presentation materials for a one and a half day multidisciplinary training on topics related to those specified in Technical task, in cooperation with other National Trainers (Consultants).
  • In coordination with community trainers, determine the schedule of multidisciplinary training in each target community and provide it to IOM.
  • Support community trainers in inviting community members to participate in trainings through various community channels and preparing preliminary lists of participants according to the IOM template.
  • Submit the results of the preliminary and final evaluation no later than 5 working days after the training.

Indicator 3 to be fulfilled by May 2, 2025:

  • Conduct an additional online session on developing facilitation skills for trained community trainers.
  • Conduct an online post-training support session on the methodin evaluation.
  • Develop pre- and final evaluation forms for monitoring learning objectives for multidisciplinary training.
  • Coordinate the process of facilitating multidisciplinary training in 2 project communities.
  • Submit results preliminary and final assessment no later than 5 working days after the training.

Perform indicator 4 by May 23, 2025:

  • Coordinate the process of facilitating multidisciplinary training in 2 project communities.< /li>
  • Submit the results of the preliminary and final evaluation no later than 5 working days after the training.
  • Conduct an online experience sharing session between the trained trainers from the communities.
  • Collect, review and summarize input from trained trainers into a comprehensive multidisciplinary training monitoring report, including challenges encountered and lessons learned.
  1. Performance indicators for evaluating results:
  • 1 presentation and accompanying materials for the "Training of Trainers" (ToT).
  • 1 presentation and accompanying materials for the multidisciplinary training for 4 communities.
  • 1 presentation and supporting materials for the Facilitation Skills session.
  • Pre- and post-assessment forms for monitoring Training of Trainers (ToT) learning objectives.
  • Pre- and post-assessment forms for monitoring of learning objectives for multidisciplinary training.
  • Report on monitoring of multidisciplinary training, including difficulties encountered and lessons learned.
  1. Required education, experience and/or skills required 


  • High school diploma or equivalent with at least 6 years of relevant work experience; OR
  • Bachelor's degree in Social Sciences, Public Administration, Economics or related fields with work experience in profession for at least 4 years


  • Proven experience in developing training courses on topics related to those specified in the terms of reference;
  • Proven experience in conducting trainings on topics related to those specified in the terms of reference;
  • Proven experience in supervising and leading teams to achieve project outcomes and goals;
  • Proven experience in facilitating activities;
  • Proven experience in developing coordination frameworks for timely completion and quality assurance project results;
  • Confirmed experience of working with local authorities and community subjects regarding andinitiative at the community level; 
  • Strong communication skills; 
  • Skills for finalizing reports;  
  • Excellent working skills with Microsoft Word, Power Point and Excel; 
  • Experience working with IOM, other UN agencies or non-governmental organizations is an advantage. 


< ul style="font-style: normal; font-weight: 400">
  • Fluency in Ukrainian;
  • Knowledge of English is an advantage.
    1. Business trips

    Yes, it is expected that the National Trainer (Consultant) will provide his services offline with trips to the settlements of communities identified in the Kyiv, Chernihiv or Sumy regions in close coordination with the IOM and/or its executive partners working in the regions.  

    1. Competencies 
    2. Values

      • Inclusion and respect for diversity: respects and encourages individual and cultural differences; promotes diversity and inclusion wherever possible; 
      • Honesty and Transparency: maintains high ethical standards and acts in accordance with organizational principles/rules and standards of conduct; 
      • Professionalism: demonstrates the ability to work with restraint, competence and purpose, and also shows careful judgment in solving day-to-day tasks; 
      • Courage: demonstrates willingness to take a stand on important issues; 
      • Empathy: Shows compassion for others, makes people feel safe, respected and treated fairly. 

      Key competencies - behavioral indicators

      • Teamwork: develops and promotes effective cooperation within and between departments to achieve common goals and optimize results; 
      • Achieving results: produces and delivers quality results in a service-oriented and timely manner; is action-oriented and strives to achieve agreed results; 
      • Knowledge management and sharing: constantly seeks to learn, share knowledge and innovate; 
      • Accountability: assumes responsibility for achieving the Organization's priorities and assumes responsibility for own actions and delegated work; 
      • Communication: Encourages and facilitates clear and open communication; explains complex issues in an informative, inspiring and motivational way.
      1. . How to apply:

      Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications ONLY through this link Link (position number 12177) no later than November 14, 2024.

      We will contact only candidates who have passed the first stage of selection and have been shortlisted.

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