Dentsu Ukraine
We are dentsu Ukraine - communication group #1 in Ukraine and part of an international communication holding< strong style="font-weight: 700">dentsu International, which is among the top 3 in the world. For 14 years, we have been building brands and developing them in our country and beyond, maintaining leadership in the advertising market in all media disciplines.
We are currently actively looking for aMiddle PPC specialistto one of our agencies –iProspect. Maybe this is you?
iProspect is a full digital agency whose mission is to help clients transform their marketing by evaluating the effectiveness of each communication. And we do it with a lot of tools, but the main areas are PPC, SEO, media and analytics.
< strong style="font-weight: 700">To get to know us better, check out our website and social networks:
Our website - https://iprospect.com.ua/
We are on Instagram - https://instagram.com/iprospect_ukraine
We are on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/iProspectUkraine< br/>
In your daily work you will:
Our wishes to the candidate:
What we offer you:
We do not use time tracking programs,because the results of your work are more important to us than an inseparable presence at the workplace;
We strive to strengthen our team with professionals and share a unique experience.