Save the Children
Save the Children International is a humanitarian organization with more than 100 years of history. Save the Children was founded in May 1919 in London. SCI has been working in Ukraine since 2014. It started its work in the territory of Donetsk region. Currently, SCI is expanding its activities to eight cities of Ukraine. We work in the areas of education, child protection, overcoming child poverty, health care, and also conduct advocacy activities related to the protection of children's rights.
As part of the project "Building the future of Mykolaiv - strengthening the capacity of communities, families and civil society for reconstruction and recovery", financed by the Danish Agency for International Development (DANIDA). SCI in Ukraine is working to strengthen the groups providing services for PPESP to ensure broad participation in the planning and implementation of response and recovery activities. Since international coordination structures are complex and difficult to understand, the participants try to explain all coordination mechanisms at different levels. The SC continues its activities as the lead organization of the civil society cluster and a key international actor in the humanitarian response to promote the role of civil society at the national and local levels in the coordination process. This will help work at all levels, ensuring that civil society actors are supported in sharing lessons learned during the humanitarian response phase to inform recovery and reconstruction processes. At the national level, SC is already an active member of the National Technical Working Group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (NTHP). In addition, SC is the co-chair of two sub-national technical working groups (TWGs) from the PZPSP - the Chernivtsi TWG and the Kyiv Hub TWG. Coordination fully complies with standard recommendations on how best to support well-coordinated and cross-sectoral mental health interventions that are defined, accountable, fair, efficient and effective, according to the IPC manual "Coordination of mental health care" and the All-Ukrainian Mental Health Program. In Mykolaiv, SCI is an active member of the regional working group of the Southern Regional Hub and is exploring the possibility of playing a more active role in strengthening networks serving local, national and international organizations focused on PZPSP. As Co-Chair of the regional working groups on PZPSP, the SC supports the coordination of efforts between different actors to ensure improvements in the mental health and psychosocial well-being of war-affected children and their families. The SC actively participates in the activities of the Coordinating Council on Mental Health, interacts with stakeholders (government institutions, civil society organizations, professional communities) and engages local authorities to ensure the sustainability of the PZPSP at the community level.
The PPSSP Coordinator will support the coordination of two or moreof regional technical working groups (TRGs) from PZPSP, focusing, first of all, on the regional TRG of the Southern region. This includes ensuring effective coordination, communication and cooperation between participants. Under the technical guidance of the Technical Advisor on PZPSP, the PZPSP Coordinator will organize meetings of the WG, facilitate discussions and facilitate the completion of the tasks set before the group. He/she will be responsible for preparing meeting agendas, maintaining meeting minutes and maintaining effective coordination and collaboration with regional office teams, with a primary focus on the Southern Regional Office.
The Child Protection and Child Protection Coordinator will work closely with the SC South Regional Office Child Protection and Child Protection Team, as well as other regional offices: Regional Office Directors, Program Managers, Child Protection and Child Protection and Child Protection Project Managers, Child Protection and Child Protection Coordinators, child protection coordinators and HCSPs to coordinate representation and engagement at the local level as needed. The candidate for this position is expected to represent Save the Children's leadership role in the field of child-focused ECEC in Mykolaiv (southern Ukraine) and to spread it throughout Ukraine, support the exchange of experiences between members of working groups, document gaps in existing services and implement innovative approaches to strengthening the PZPSP system in Ukraine, ensuring its stability and resilience to emergencies situations.
Coordination and facilitation
Strategic planning
Involvement of interested parties
Research and analysis
Administrative support
Security, safety and risks
Additionalpositions requirements'ties
Obligations and responsibilities set forth above are not exhaustive, and from the employee may be required to perform additional duties within his or her level of qualifications and experience.
We offer:
Child Protection Policy:
We have to ensure the safety of children, so our selection process involves thorough background checks and reflects our commitment to protecting children from abuse.
Health and Safety:
All employees are expected to comply with our global anti-harassment policy.
If you are interested in the vacancy, we are waiting for your feedback. A resume in English will be an advantage during consideration. Also , we will be grateful if you indicate the expected salary level and the level of English language proficiency.
Save the Children International is the humanitarian organization with more than 100 years of history. Save the Children was founded in May 1919 in London.
SCI has been working in Ukraine since 2014. The Organization started its work in the territory of the Donetsk region. Currently, SCI is expanding its activities to eight cities of Ukraine.
We work in the directions of education, child protection, overcoming child poverty, health care, and also we have advocacy activities related to the protection of children's rights.
Under the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) funded Enhancing Mykolaiv's Future- Empowering Resilient Communities, Families, and Civil Society for Reconstruction and Recovery. SCI in Ukraineworks on ensuring MHPSS responders’ groups are strengthened to ensure inclusive engagement in response and recovery planning and delivery. As International coordination structures are complex and difficult to understand, actors struggle to explain all the coordination mechanisms on different levels. SC continues to use its role as a civil society cluster lead agency and key international actor in the humanitarian response to promote the role of national and local civil society in coordination. This will help work across the nexus; ensuring civil society actors are supported to share learning from the humanitarian phase of the response to inform recovery and reconstruction processes. At the national level, SC is already an active member of the National Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Technical Working Group. Moreover, SC co-chairs two sub-national MHPSS technical working groups (TWGs) – the Chernivtsi TWG and the Kyiv Hub TWG. Coordination is fully aligned with the standard guidance on how to best to support well-coordinated and multisectoral MHPSS responses that are predictable, accountable, equitable, efficient and effective as per the IASC handbook of MHPSS Coordination and the All-Ukrainian Mental Health Program. In Mykolaiv SC is an active member in South oblasts hub regional working group and is exploring the possibility to play a more active role in strengthening networks that serve MHPSS-focused local, national and international organizations. As co-chair of regional MHPSS TWGs, SC supports coordination efforts between different actors to ensure improvement of the mental health and psychosocial well-being of children and their families affected by the war. SC actively participates in Mental Health Coordination Council activities, interacts with stakeholders (government agencies, civil society organizations, professional communities), and engages with local authorities to ensure the sustainability of community-based MHPSS.
The MHPSS Coordinator will support coordination of two or more Regional MHPSS Technical Working Groups (TWGs) focusing primarily on South oblasts hub regional TWG. This includes ensuring effective coordination, communication, and collaboration among members. Under technical line management from MHPSS Technical Advisor (TA), the MHPSS Coordinator will organize TWG meetings, facilitate discussions, and drive the implementation of the group’s objectives. S/he will be responsible for preparing meeting agendas, write meeting minutes and support effective coordination and collaboration with area office teams with a primary focus on South Area Office.
The MHPSS Coordinator will work closely with the leadership and MHPSS team of SC’s South Area Office in addition to other area offices: Area office Directors, Heads of Programs, Child Protection (CP) & MHPSS Project Managers, MHPSS Coordinators, CP/MHPSS Coordinators to coordinate local representation and coordination as needed. The post holder is expected to represent Save the Children’s leadership in child focused MHPSS in Mykolaiv (South of Ukraine) and expanding this leadership all over Ukraine,support sharing experience between members of the TWGs, document gaps in existing services and innovate ways to strengthen the Ukraine MHPSS systems, sustainability, and shock resilience.
Coordination and Facilitation
Strategic Planning
Additional job responsibilities
The duties and responsibilities as set out above are not exhaustive and the role holder may be required to carry out additional duties within reasonableness of their level of skills and experience.
Equal Opportunities:
The role holder is required to carry out the duties in accordance with the SCI Equal Opportunities and Diversity policies and procedures.
Child Safeguarding:
We need to keep children safe so our selection process, which includes rigorous background checks, reflects our commitment to the protection of children from abuse.
Health and Safety:
The role holder is required to carry out the duties in accordance with SCI Health and Safety policies and procedures.
If you are interested in the vacancy, we are looking forward for your application. AСV in English will be an advantage. Also, we will be grateful if you indicate the expected salary level and the level of English language proficiency.