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The main internal safety specialist in Universal Bank/Universal Bank

17 February


Universal Bank/Universal Bank

Universal Bank/Universal Bank

0 reviews
Without experience
Full-time work
universal Bank Monobank , jointly Universal Bank's retail product in collaboration with an IT company Fintech Band, which is already actively using 8.5 million customers. We will need your professionalism for: 1. to give an explanation;   2. gather and submit to the investigator, prosecutor, investigating judge, court evidence; participation in procedural actions; on the procedure for conducting actions that are recorded in the protocol, as well as to get acquainted with t

universal Bank Monobank , jointly Universal Bank's retail product in collaboration with an IT company Fintech Band, which is already actively using 8.5 million customers.

We will need your professionalism for:

    You are our candidate if:

    • Focus in the criminal process;
    • You have experience in preparing Procedural Documents;
    • There is a higher education (specialty law). FONT-STYLE: NORMAL "> Why candidates choose the Universal Bank:

      People-Our Capital. The success of the bank-thousands of personal and professional successes of everyone. When employees develop-the Universal Bank develops. FONT-STYLE: Normal "> Join to the team of the Bank Universal you will receive:

      • official employment

        -5/2 from 9:00 to 18:00. = "font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; text-disorder: none">

        Quick Adaptation

        Caring for Your Health -Our Bank has a health insurance program. FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None ">

        Career Development and Opportunity Growth in the middle Bank -attend trainings and conferences, sharing experiences with colleagues.

      • Additional Reward For the duties of a temporarily absent employee-your ability to help colleagues will be generously rewarded. FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None ">

        Ability to work in hybrid mode (Office/Home).

      • Corporate Gifts -from us with love for our employees. FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None ">

        Corporate Library : Dink into the world of knowledge and inexhaustible development. FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None ">

        Corporate Transfer For employees from each subway branch and Troyeshchyna to the headquarters.

Without experience
Full-time work
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