Universal Data Center
iPay.ua -Fintech, All-Ukrainian service. Our customers are paying for 24/7 for any goods and services from more than 1500 companies of Ukraine. We have payments up to 2 million payments monthly. Normal; 400; 400; Text-Decoration: none "> Basic duties: span-style: Normal; None ">-Search and Analysis of External References. None ">-selection of donors for placement of TIR 2-3 links. Text-Decoration: none "/> -Search for Traffic Articles for Placing Tir 2-3 References. FONT-Weight: 400; Text-Decoration: none "/> -Evaluation of the quality of potential donors (checking metrics da, DR, TF and others). FONT-Weight: 400; Text-Decoration: none "/> -Making contacts with webmasters, bloggers and site owners to exchange links or buy links. FONT-Weight: 400; Text-Decoration: none "/> -Organization of Guest Post Position with References to the Site. FONT-Weight: 400; Text-Decoration: none "/> -keeping records of purchased and placed links, control of their presence and indexation. FONT-Weight: 400; Text-Decoration: none "/> -Working with Kraud Marketing for Natural References on Forums and In Comments. FONT-Weight: 400; Text-Decoration: none "/> -Searching for References in Niche Catalogs and Spotting. FONT-Weight: 400; Text-Decoration: none "/> -Checking the indexation of already placed references and work on forced re-exchange
-Preparation of Reports on the Performed Work and Results of Linning Branching Campaign. FONT-Weight: 400; Text-Decoration: none "/> -Communication and Collaboration with SEO Specialist
We offer:
-Official employment in the staff of the company from the first working day;-paid vacation 24+4 days and paid hospital; FONT-Weight: 400; Text-Decoration: none "/> -Bonus Bonus Surface; FONT-Weight: 400; Text-Decoration: none "/> -Corporate Technique;
-Corporate English