Leading specialist / specialist department of protection, gender equality and inclusion in Red Cross Ukraine
24 February
Red Cross Ukraine
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Full-time work
Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS) opens a vacancy for the position of the Protection Gender and Inclusion OfficerThe Ukrainian Red Cross Society is the largest humanitarian organization in Ukraine, which is one of the first to respond to allemergencies in the country and provide assistance to those who need it most. Do you feel like you can make the world a better place? Join theUkrainian Red Cross Society: The opportunity to do good: Help those who need it and feel in spired by contributing to
Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS) opens a vacancy for the position of the Protection Gender and Inclusion Officer
The Ukrainian Red Cross Society is the largest humanitarian organization in Ukraine, which is one of the first to respond to allemergencies in the country and provide assistance to those who need it most.
Do you feel like you can make the world a better place? Join theUkrainian Red Cross Society:
The opportunity to do good: Help those who need it and feel in spired by contributing to a better world.
New knowledge and skills: Take interesting trainings, become a volunteer or employee, and gain valuable experience for your life.
Friends and like-minded people: Join a team of caring people who are always ready to help.
Pride in your actions: Join and feel proud to be a hero!
The Ukrainian Red Cross is thousands of people across Ukraine who make the world a better place every day.
Job purpose
The PGI Officer will support URCS operations teams to enhance the impact, reach and efficiency of emergency response operations through implementing PGI activities and approaches. This includes PGI mainstreaming, programme management, staff support and training, and strengthening community relationships. The PGI officer provides operational capacity to identify protection risks including child protection and sexual and gender-based violence and take action to prevent, mitigate and respond to violence, exploitation and abuse, including appropriate reporting and referral mechanisms.
The URCS PGI Officer reports directly to Head of PGI Unit and engages and coordinates with all other units in the URCS. The PGI officer will strengthen the programmes, projects, disaster preparedness and response activities, migration response by building the understanding and technical capacity of URCS in their mission of avoiding doing harm, mainstreaming DAPS (dignity, access, participation, and safety) principles and Minimum Standards, as well establishing safeguarding procedures and mechanisms. Likewise, the PGI officer will contribute to create a safe and inclusive environment supporting the enhancement or establishment of multi-sectorial humanitarian responses that help addressing protection needs, mitigating and preventing risks, and recognizing capacities and agency of affected communities.
Job duties and responsibilities
Act as the focal point and resource person on protection, gender and inclusion
Provide technical advice on integrating PGI into programmes, projects and humanitarian responses
Enhance internal awareness and capacity of IFRC team in relation to protection, gender and inclusion matters
Contribute to the development and roll out of standard URCS training and other resources on protection, gender and inclusion
Design, implement and facilitate training/workshops for managers, staff and volunteers in URCS based on existing standard IFRC trainings on protection, gender and inclusion, and those which are being developed
Support providing humanitarian assistance in response to the EQ in Turkiye to promote the dignity, access, participation, and safety of all persons across their operations, based on their different needs, capacities, and vulnerabilities, and without discrimination
Strengthen URCS capacities and protective mechanisms on a long-term, leveraging their knowledge and competences in PGI as part of their development process
Support URCS to be active protection actors and coordination mechanisms
Lead Data Collection and Analysis Initiatives: Oversee the collection, analysis, and utilization of sex, age, and disability disaggregated data to inform protection, gender, and inclusion (PGI) activities across all programs.
Ensure PGI Integration in Needs Assessments and Program Implementation: Collaborate with sector leads to integrate PGI-related concerns into multi-sectoral needs assessments and ensure that all programs align with the Minimum Standards for Protection, Gender, and Inclusion in Emergencies.
Establish and Disseminate Protection Pathways and Ensure Access to Safe Spaces: Coordinate with other agencies to map and disseminate protection referral pathways, and ensure vulnerable groups have access to safe spaces, particularly in operations involving temporary settlements and evacuation centers.
Monitor and Report on Protection Risks and Adapt Strategies: Conduct regular monitoring of the operational context and emerging protection risks, providing timely reports to inform and adapt prevention, mitigation, and response strategies.
Carry out other instructions from the manager to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the sector.
Position Requirements
Education: A graduate university degree (Bachelor’s degree) in Communication or Social/Behavioural Sciences (i.e. Political Science, Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology or Health Education) or other relevant field such as Law, Child Protection, Gender or Women’s Studies or Social Work (preferred)
– 2-3 years of experience in a related role to any and preferably a few of the following areas of work (Protection-preventing and addressing various forms of sexual and gender-based violence including child protection, preventing sexual exploitation and abuse, Gender – promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment, Inclusion – work with older people, disability rights, other forms of social inclusion).– Threeto five years of experience with community engagement approaches, promoting gender equity and equality, direct support to survivors of violence, exploitation or abuse, or addressing the specific needs of marginalized groups at community level.– Demonstrated professional experience in an organization or governmental institution within the context of humanitarian or developmental support and coordination of PGI related services and assistance– Demonstrated experience in applying humanitarian protection, gender, accessibility standards and guidelines and in setting up and managing accountability systems, participatory planning processes– Experience of coaching, training and developing local staff and volunteers in order to build long-term capacity and create ownership– Required possesses a broad understanding of national and regional humanitarian issues, and international humanitarian standards for Protection, Gender, and Inclusion.– Demonstrates ability to represent and advocate for Protection, Gender equality and inclusion with diplomatic and contextual adaptation and appropriateness to sensitive issues including for language.
Knowledge & Skills
Good coordination skills, with the capacity to build partnerships with internal and external organisations and bring people together to collaborate on PGI approaches and activities
Excellent interpersonal, communication and networking skills, able to build relationships with people at all levels of the organisation and across multiple countries and cultures, both in person and remotely, to build commitment and support for PGI
Advanced analytical skills, able to capture learning and use it to make improvements in programming and operations
Highly motivated, self-starter able to take initiative and lead a team or process
Good knowledge of protection, gender and inclusion issues in Ukraine and of institutions, legislative frameworks and procedures in this regard, including their associated gaps, strengths and implementation impacts
Fluent spoken and written Ukrainian and good command of English (advantage), and Russian.
Respect for diversity;
Integrity and Accountability;
Collaboration and Teamwork;
Judgement and Decision Making;
Creativity and Innovation.
The Ukrainian Red Cross Society offers:
Interesting, diverse and multitasking work;
Employment in accordance with the Labor Code;
Timely payment of salary;
A friendly and close-knit team of like-minded people;
Participation in trainings and seminars in Ukraine and abroad;
Unique experience in the largest public organization in Ukraine.
We aim to create a safe and inclusive environment at URCS that will provide all employees and volunteers, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, or sexual orientation, equal access to opportunities, protection of their dignity, and equal rights.
We are an employer with equal opportunities for all employees, including people with disabilities.
We do not discriminate in our recruitment and employment practices based on race, color, religion, gender, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, genetic information, or age.
Sexual exploitation and abuse are prohibited in all forms. The organization implements a policy to prevent sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, and abuse, including in the workplace.
If you are interested in the vacancy, we are waiting for your applications
Location: Kyiv.
If you are interested in this position, please send your CV and Cover letter to [email protected].
Due to a large number of requests, we contact candidates who fully meet the requirements of the vacancy.
Національний комітет Товариства Червоного Хреста України оголошує конкурс на посаду Головного фахівця / головної фахівчині із захисту, гендерних питань та інклюзії
Товариство Червоного Хреста України – найбільша гуманітарна організація України, яка одна з найперших реагує на всі надзвичайні ситуації в країні і надає допомогу тим, хто найбільше її потребує.
Відчуваєте, що можете зробити світ кращим? Приєднуйтесь до Товариства Червоного Хреста України, адже це:
можливість творити добро. Допоможіть тим, хто цього потребує, і відчуйте натхнення від зробленого внеску;
нові знання та навички. Пройдіть цікаві тренінги, станьте волонтером або співробітником і отримайте досвід, який стане у пригоді в житті;
друзі та однодумці. Приєднуйтесь до команди небайдужих людей, які завжди готові прийти на допомогу;
гордість за свої дії. Долучайтесь та відчуйтесь гордість за те, що ви – герой!
ТЧХУ – це тисячі людей по всій Україні, які щодня роблять світ кращим.
Ціль роботи
Співробітник з питань PGI(Protection Gender and Inclusion)надаватиме підтримку оперативним групам ТЧХУ для посиленнявпливу, охоплення та ефективності операцій з реагування на надзвичайні ситуації шляхом впровадження заходів та підходівPGI. Це включає актуалізацію PGI, управління програмами, підтримку та навчання персоналу, а також зміцнення зв’язків з громадами. Співробітник PGI забезпечує оперативний потенціалдля виявлення ризиків у сфері захисту, включаючи захист дітей, сексуальне та гендерне насильство, і вживає заходів для запобігання, пом’якшення наслідків та реагування на насильство, експлуатацію та зловживання, включаючи відповідні механізмизвітності та перенаправлення до спеціалістів.
Співробітник з питань PGI в ТЧХУ підпорядковуєтьсябезпосередньо керівнику підрозділу з питань PGI, а такожвзаємодіє та координує роботу з усіма іншими підрозділамиТЧХУ. Спеціаліст з PGI посилюватиме програми, проекти, заходи з готовності до стихійних лих та реагування на них, реагуванняна міграцію шляхом підвищення розуміння та технічноїспроможності ТЧХУ у виконанні своєї місії щодо недопущеннязаподіяння шкоди, впровадження принципів та Мінімальнихстандартів DAPS (гідність, доступ, участь та безпека), а такожвстановлення процедур та механізмів захисту прав. Крім того, співробітник з питань ПГІ сприятиме створенню безпечного та інклюзивного середовища, що підтримує посилення абостворення міжсекторальних гуманітарних заходів реагування, якідопомагають задовольнити потреби у захисті, пом’якшити та запобігти ризикам, а також визнати спроможність та ініціативність постраждалих спільнот.
Обов’язки та відповідальність
Виступати в ролі координатора та консультанта з питань захисту, ґендеру та інклюзії
Надавати технічні консультації щодо інтеграції ґендерного підходу в програми, проекти та гуманітарні заходи реагування
Підвищення внутрішньої обізнаності та спроможності команди IFRC щодо питань захисту, гендеру та інклюзії
Сприяти розробці та впровадженню стандартних тренінгів та інших ресурсів ТЧХУ з питань захисту, гендеру та інклюзії
Розробляти, впроваджувати та сприяти проведенню тренінгів/семінарів для керівників, персоналу та волонтерів ТЧХУ на основі існуючих стандартних тренінгів IFRS з питань захисту, гендеру та інклюзії, а також тих, які розробляються в даний час
Підтримувати надання гуманітарної допомоги з метою сприяння гідності, доступу, участі та безпеці всіх людей в рамках їхньої діяльності, виходячи з їхніх різних потреб, можливостей та вразливостей, і без дискримінації
Зміцнювати потенціал та захисні механізми ТЧХУ на довгострокову перспективу, використовуючи їхні знання та компетенції у сфері ЗГІ як частину процесу їхнього розвитку
Підтримувати ТЧХУ як активних суб’єктів захисту та координаційних механізмів
Очолювати ініціативи зі збору та аналізу даних: Здійснювати нагляд за збором, аналізом та використанням даних з розбивкою за статтю, віком та інвалідністю для інформування про діяльність у сфері захисту, ґендеру та інклюзії (ЗГІ) в усіх програмах
To ensure integration of ITS in the assessment of needs and implementation of programs: to cooperate with the leaders of the sectors to integrate problems associated with GRI into the cross -sectional assessment of needs and to ensure compliance of all programs with minimal standards for protection, gender and inclusivity Situations
Create and distribute ways of protection and provide access to safe places: Coordinate with other institutions work with Drawing on a map and dissemination of redirection routes to obtain protection, as well as provide vulnerable groups to safe places, especially in operations related to temporary settlements and evacuation centers
to monitor and report on protection risks and adapt strategies: carry out regular monitoring of operational situation and risks that arise in the field of protection by providing timely reports to inform and adapt strategies for preventing, mitigating and response. : 400; FONT-STYLE: Normal "> Requirements
Work experience:
2-3 years of work experience in a similar position in one or, preferably in several of the following areas of activity (protection-prevention and counteraction to various forms of sexual and gender violence, including protection of children, prevention of sexual exploitation and violence, gender - promoting gender equality and expanding women's rights and opportunities, inclusion - working with elderly people age, rights of people with disabilities, other forms of social integration).
from three to five years of experience working with the approaches of community involvement, promotion of gender equality and justice, direct support of victims of violence, exploitation or cruel handling, or meeting the specific needs of marginalized groups at community level. or a state institution in the context of humanitarian support or support for the development and coordination of services and assistance related to the Open Government Partnership initiative. as well as in the creation and management of accountability systems, Processes of Partisipative Planning.
The experience of coaching, training and development of local personnel and volunteers in order to build long -term potential and form a sense of involvement
it is necessary to have a widthThe Ocem Understanding of National and Regional Humanitarian Problems, as well as International Humanitarian Standards on Protection, Gender and Inclusion. In particular linguistic.
Knowledge and skills
Good coordination skills, ability build partnerships with internal and external organizations and bring people together for joint work on approaches and measures of initiative on gender equality and inclusivity
excellent skills by people at all levels of organization and in different countries and cultures, both personally and remotely, in order to form a commitment and supporting the Open Government Partnership initiative. Team or process
Well knowledge of protection, gender and inclusion in Ukraine, as well as institutions, legislative framework and procedures In this area, including related gaps, strengths and consequences of implementation. ul>
Respect for diversity;
virtue and accountability;
teamwork and teamwork;
judgment and decision making;
Creativity and innovation.
The Red Cross Society of Ukraine offers:
Interesting, diverse and multitasking work;
employment according to the Labor Code;
timely payment a team of like -minded people;
Participation in trainings and seminars in Ukraine boundaries;
Unique experience in the largest public organization of Ukraine
We are an employer with equal opportunities for all employees, including for persons with disabilities. FONT-STYLE: Normal "> We do not discriminate in our choice and employment based on race, skin color,religion, gender, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, genetic information, age.
sexual exploitation and abuse are forbidden in all forms. The organization implements a policy of preventing sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and abuse, including in the workplace.