Nacionalniy naukoviy centr hirurgiyi ta transplantologiyi im. O.O.Shalimova
O.O. Shalimov National Scientific Center of Surgery and Transplantology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine invites a leading specialist in civil defense to work
in office Postgraduate education in the relevant specialization. Work experience in production — at least 2 years.Responsibilities:
Ensures the preparation of the work plan and other documentation on civil protection issues, instructions for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations for the Center.
Prepares comprehensive measures and proposals for prevention and response to emergency situations.
Organizes and monitors the training of the Center's personnel (employees) for actions in case of emergency situations.
Ensures the participation of the relevant forces and means of the Center in carrying out emergency and rescue operations, within the limits of their tactical and technical capabilities. man-made and natural situations.
Takes measures to provide the Center's employees with means of collective and individual protection.
Organizes and coordinates measures to evacuate employees and property of the Center during emergency situations
Takes measures to maintain civil and fire protection equipment in good condition, preventing their misuse.
We guarantee:
Timely payment of wages 2 times a month;
Working day 8.45-16.45 Saturday, Sunday - day off