vacancy: the younger web developer (only Kyiv)
do you dream of starting a career in the field of web development? Want to work in a team of professionals and get real experience? Then this opportunity is for you! We are looking for the younger web developer , which is ready to study, develop and work on Interesting projects.
what will you do?
p> ? Development and support of sites on HTML, CSS, Javascript.Что мы предлагаем?
График работы : с 09:00 до 17:00, понедельник-пятница, суббота и воскресенье — выходные.
Комфортный офис в Киеве и возможность работать в дружном коллективе.
Наставничество и обучение : поддержка опытных разработчиков.
Стабильная оплата труда и возможность карьерного роста.
Work on interesting projects < Font> and the ability to influence their development.
who are we looking for? font>
basic knowledge html, CSS, JavaScript (React or React or React or React or React or React or React or React or React or React or Vue will be a plus).
understanding of the principles of adaptive design and work with the API.
skills in working with Git versions control systems.
desire to learn and develop in the web development.
team player, which takes responsibility for the tasks .
how to submit an application?
Font Style = "Vertical-align: Inherit"> Напишите нам в Telegram : vladislavaaa_hr .
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Start your career in web development with us!