Spilno Agency
About the company:we provide digital marketing services: Google Ads, Meta Ads, SEO and other services. We have a small team, but due to the increase in the number of projects, we are growing, so we are looking for employees.
Format of work:remote, 8 hours a day, from 9 to 18 or from 10 to 19.00. 1 hour for lunch from 13.00 to 14.00.
What to do in brief: b>lead projects - build a project development strategy, implement the strategy with a specialist and report to the client on the results.
Main functional duties:
2. Development of a client promotion strategy together with a specialist.
3. Control of the specialist's work.
4. Reporting to the client.
5. Sales assistance at the sales stages.
Rate + 10% bonus from project commission.
Social. package:
2. Sick leave 5 days a year without any confirmation + additional paid days if there is a sick letter.
Test period 3 months. Fully paid and paid bonus from customers.
Development prospects:Junior specialist -> Middle specialist -> Senior specialist -> Team Lead specialist.