This position is for a small group of international companies based in England & in Kyiv. We’re looking for a technology informed collaborator to handle the improvement, usage and relevance of existing technologies used and to oversee the operations and marketing efforts of the different companies of the group.
The candidate will have the responsibility of establishing with the CEO what technology to use, and to oversee the implementation of those technologies with existing or new external contractors.
The candidate must be very comfortable with using new technologies: CRM (ACT!), Google Analytics/adwords, Microsoft Excel, Zimbra servers, Plesk web hosting, Wordpress, YouTube Studio, social media and telephony applications.
Knowledge of security systems (computing system/banking/video surveillance) would be an additional asset.
O Objective of the position:
Assisting the CEO in his day to day management of operations
Having the responsibility of the technology management
Participate in the creation and execution control of technology briefs
Research, source technology, telephony, software subcontractors
Continuously update in-house knowledge. Stay alert and educate colleagues of know-how and applicability
In addition, you need to be able to participate in technical research to help in the marketing development of products.
O Your profile:
Curious by nature, you are naturally interested in new technologies and havea good understanding of existing and upcoming technologies
You’re very quick to understand softwares, IT solutions and systems
You are able to work with other team members, consultants, key customers, and key suppliers to solve specific challenges and leverage growth opportunities
You’re a ‘problem solver’ and you find solution for any problem you are confronting
You’re organized, you have a natural ability to work with unorganized people
The understanding of basic English will be essential, but its mastery can progress over time, especially since you have organized your translation system with chat GPT ^^
Salary negotiable depending on experience.
Full-time: from 11:00 to 20:00 local time.
Location: Kyiv, Olimpiiska
Basic/Intermediate knowledge of English required, French is an advantage.
Please send your CV in English only.
Невелика група міжнародних компаній, розташованих в Англії та Києві шукає технологічно обізнаного співробітника, який займатиметься використанням та вдосконаленням відповідних існуючих технологій, а також слідкуватиме за діяльністю та маркетингом iн-хаузних компаній.
Кандидат буде відповідальним за погодження з керівником, яку технологію використовуcotton wool, and for controlling the introduction of such technologies through existing or attracting new contractors. > The candidate should be ready to master new technologies: CRM (ACT!), Google Analytics/AdWords, Microsoft Excel, Zimbra Servers, Plesk, WordPress, YouTube Studio, Social Networks and SPANDS. /P>
o requirements for position:
Technology Management Responsibility
Participation in the Creating and Control of Technological Tasks
Research, Technologies, Telephony, Software Subcontractors
Participation in the creation and implementation of marketing plans with the selected technologies
Constant Upgrading of Internal Knowledge. To be alert to teach colleagues in the use of know-how
In addition, it is envisaged in technical research and assistance in marketing products. -weight: 700; FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None "> O You:
Inquisitive in nature, interested in new technologies and well understand existing and future technologies
You very quickly understand the software, IT solutions and systems
You like working with other team members, consultants, key customersand key suppliers to solve specific tasks and use growth opportunities
-Starting at once-
Salary Contracting depending on experience. FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None ">
full-time: from 11:00 to 8:00 pm local time. FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None "> Location: Kyiv, Olympic
The knowledge of English on the base/middle level is required, French is an advantage.
Send your resume in English.