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I am looking for an excellent network engineer in Randomizer Ltd.

Posted more than 30 days ago


Randomizer Ltd.

Randomizer Ltd.

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Part-time work
I am looking to hire an excellent network engineer who can provide high-quality Static Residential home IPs. I've used the most popular websites, such as IPRoyal, BrighData, Oxylabs, and so on, but that's not good enough because the IPs are being detected as DataCenters/VPNs.The most recent method I've tried is putting Orange PIs into friends' and family's houses and obtaining their home IPs. The only issue with that method is that it is difficult to scale. I need a good/private proxy or VPN pro
I am looking to hire an excellent network engineer who can provide high-quality Static Residential home IPs. I've used the most popular websites, such as IPRoyal, BrighData, Oxylabs, and so on, but that's not good enough because the IPs are being detected as DataCenters/VPNs.The most recent method I've tried is putting Orange PIs into friends' and family's houses and obtaining their home IPs. The only issue with that method is that it is difficult to scale. I need a good/private proxy or VPN provider that can give me access to IPs that are not detectable as VPN/DataCenter. Or I need someone with a smart solution like the Orange PIs but more scalable.I can pay you $1000 for the solution, and I am very likely to hire you for future projects as well. Show more Show less Посадовий рівень Базовий рівень Тип зайнятості Часткова зайнятість Посадові обов’язки Інформаційні технології Галузі Технологія, інформація та інтернет
Without experience
Part-time work
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