ASBISC Enterprises PLC
Let's meet, we are Breezy - the #1 trade-in and appliance restoration company in the central, southern - Eastern Europe and the Caucasus.
We are more than 200 people in 7 countries and every day we create products, services and business that we are proud of.
We give gadgets a second life - save planet and help our customers become owners of quality equipment at a favorable price. a data-fr-linked="true" href="https://robota.ua/redirect?event_name=url_click&redir_token=eyJPcmlnaW5hbFVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vYnJlZXp5LmJhbmQvYWJvdXQvIiwiVmFjYW5jeUlkIjo5ODU3MjMyfQ==" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" style="text-decoration: none; font-weight : 400" target="_blank">https://breezy.band/about/
We are on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/breezy_ua/
What do we do?
Our partners are the largest electronics chains, telecom operators Our partners in Ukraine are Comfy, Rozetka, ISpace and 40+ partners in Europe and the Caucasus
of the ASBIS holding, a distributor of IT products in more than 75 countries of the world.
We are looking for an ambitious and a professional HR leader who will lead the direction of work with people. The main goal is to form an effective and efficient team.
We promise:
Future challenges:
We will suit each other if you have :
Breezy is a meeting place for professionals for great achievements.
Do you want to solve ambitious tasks, experiment and develop a product that affects the world globally and helps save our planet?
Then quickly send your resume and join us!
By responding to the vacancy and sending your resume to the Company (TOV PII "ASBIS-UKRAINE"), registered and operating in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, registration number 25274129, address registration: 03061, Ukraine, Kyiv, st. Gazova, 30 (hereinafter "the Company"), you confirm and agree that the Company processes your personal data specified in your resume in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data" and GDPR rules.