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head of the enterprise in Ukrprombud

Posted more than 30 days ago




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Vacancy: head of the enterprise (limestone quarry)Responsibilities:Development of a mineral deposit (quarry ), processing of limestone products and its implementation;Definition, formulation, planning, implementation and coordination of all types of enterprise activities;Organization of the enterprise's production and economic activities based on the application of sound planning methods, regulatory materials, financial and labor costs;Increasing the technical level and quality of products;Ratio

Vacancy: head of the enterprise (limestone quarry)


  • Development of a mineral deposit (quarry ), processing of limestone products and its implementation;
  • Definition, formulation, planning, implementation and coordination of all types of enterprise activities;
  • Organization of the enterprise's production and economic activities based on the application of sound planning methods, regulatory materials, financial and labor costs;
  • Increasing the technical level and quality of products;
  • Rational and economical spending of all types of resources;
  • Ensuring the implementation of current legislation at the enterprise , active use of legal means to improve management;
  • Working with representatives of the executive and legislative authorities at the district and regional level;
  • Obtaining licenses, permits, certificates from the bodies of State Labor, Geonadr, of Geocontrol, Ecology, National Police, etc.;
  • Modernization of technological areas of production;
  • Performance of product quality control, control over compliance with design, construction and technological discipline, labor protection rules and norms , safety techniques.


  • higher education in the field: mining
  • work experience as a head of a pit or chief engineer of a pit for more than 5 years;
  • organizational and communication skills, activity, purposefulness;
  • the ability to quickly solve non-standard and complex issues;
  • knowledge of legislative and regulatory acts
  • Ability to work in a team and make decisions in conditions of a high pace of production.
  • Congratulations experience in the organization of the production process of finely ground limestone, mineral powder. 


  • Official employment;
  • Stable competitive salary;
  • < /ul>

    Social guarantees according to the current legislation of Ukraine.

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Without experience
Full-time work
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