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Google Farmer (Media Baineing, Arbitration) in Enthusiasm Community

Posted more than 30 days ago


Enthusiasm Community

Enthusiasm Community

0 reviews
Without experience
Full-time work
about the company and its projects: “Enthusiasm Community” (EC)-a successful media-baings team, founded in 2018 in Kyiv . The purpose of our team is to collect the powerful hub of professionals in the field of Internet marketing, who “burn” their business and for whom the arbitrator is not work, but a lifestyle. We are we We specialize in the purchase and converting of traffic in a niche: “Health & Beauty”: Nutra. among our partners: Everad, Adcombo, Terraleads, Leadbit, Limonad and ma

about the company and its projects:

“Enthusiasm Community” (EC)-a successful media-baings team, founded in 2018 in Kyiv .

The purpose of our team is to collect the powerful hub of professionals in the field of Internet marketing, who “burn” their business and for whom the arbitrator is not work, but a lifestyle.

We are we We specialize in the purchase and converting of traffic in a niche: “Health & Beauty”: Nutra.

among our partners: Everad, Adcombo, Terraleads, Leadbit, Limonad and many other PPs and RELS.

Our main competitive advantages :

  • friendly, creative and very productive team consisting of 10 0+ < /Strong> talented specialists and fans of their business, for whom arbitration is more than work. 

  • We are regularly in the top of the most popular gutters of the pp. Open World ”-format,- is in the historical and, at the same time, quite modern part of Kyiv, conveniently located next to Art. m. Vasilkovskaya.

  • truly human and friendly attitude towards colleagues-specialists (the most valuable asset of the company) by leaders.  

  • Our everyday cooperation is distinguished by mutual respect, home comfort, friendly and family atmosphere of creative communication: professional, in interests and hobbies, regardless of ranks, positions, age, religion, gender, gender physical features, etc. 

In connection with the expansion of media-barbaling business activities, we are looking for a responsible Google Farmer (Hugl-Accounts Specialist) .

What do we suggest:

The opportunity to develop rapidly with the company in the attractive niche of the media-baling (financially and professionally, but without The career prospects for the development in the direction of the position of the media-Bayer ). Therefore, our talented experts can enjoy:

  • remote operating mode from anywhere in the world.

  • Strong> Binding Z.P. to dol. ( bet: 350 dol. for this position)

  • paid vacation and hospital days.

  • lack of hard bureaucratic framework, “gallery” oppression and all the support of any productive, professional ideas aimed at professional, career and material growth of specialists together with the company.

  • Comfortable conditions for cooperation with established work processes without an outrage-controlled time and task-tracking.

  • all the necessary tools for work, instructions and training.

    << /li >

What do we expect from you:

  • Pharmal accounts on Google Ads (launching advertising campaigns): including Creation of accounts, their design, heating, comprehensive preparation of accounts for work, etc. - according to our methodology and algorithm (training!): 8 hours daily.

  • maintaining the corresponding working reporting in Google-TBlitz.

  • Daily communication with the leader-Lid the Google Farm-Commander, other Google factories and team specialists.

What skills do you need to possess:

  • The confident professional user of the PC and the Internet, Google Sheets, social networks and messengers.

you suit us if you:

  • reinforcing (aya) and ready (a) for monotonous work and this is you does not strain;

  • the obligatory (aya);

  • responsible (aya);

  • << Li>

    attentive (aya);

  • you quickly learn.

there will be a plus:

  • similar experience of google lamps and experience with the Google Ads.

We sincerely hope that we can soon welcome you as #enthusiasmcommunity Team Mamber :)

we will be happy to get your current resume < /Strong> or link to your professional profile (necessarily indicating the desired size of the z.p. And your Telegram account for communication) on: hr.enthusiasmcommunity [at]

Without experience
Full-time work
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