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General manager in Ecola Global

Posted more than 30 days ago


Ecola Global

Ecola Global

0 reviews
Without experience
Full-time work

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Ecola is a company that helps people and businesses sort garbage and transmit it for processing quickly and simply. We are looking for General Manager What will you need to do? Style: Normal; -weight: 400; : Normal; -weight: 400; Working with B2B clients : Finding partners and customers, negotiating, maintaining long-term relationships. Text-Decoration: None "> Educational Initiatives : Conducting Business and Public Training. Text-Decoration: None "> Financial Indicators

Ecola is a company that helps people and businesses sort garbage and transmit it for processing quickly and simply. We are looking for General Manager What will you need to do? Style: Normal; -weight: 400; : Normal; -weight: 400;

  • Working with B2B clients : Finding partners and customers, negotiating, maintaining long-term relationships. Text-Decoration: None ">

    Educational Initiatives : Conducting Business and Public Training. Text-Decoration: None ">

    Financial Indicators Control : Analysis of Business Efficiency, Cost optimization and increase in profitability. FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None "> What do we expect from you? FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None ">

    Experience in Business Management or Operational Management (3 years). FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None ">

    The ability to work with finances: analysis, budgeting, cost optimization. FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None ">

    Experience with B2B clients, understanding of their needs. FONT-STYLE: NORmal; Text-Decoration: None ">

    System approach, strategic thinking and ability to effectively organize processes. FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None ">

    capture the idea of ​​sustainable development and environmental business. FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None "> What do we offer? FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None ">

    Ability to influence the development of eco-business and change the world for the better. FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None ">

    Competitive Wage + Bonuses on Work results. FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None ">

    Flexibility in decision making and implementation of initiatives. FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None ">

    A friendly team that shares the values ​​of sustainable development.

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    Without experience
    Full-time work
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