Vseosvita, TOV
All-education one of Ukraine's largest educational portals. Every day, more than 300,000 students are tested on our platform. We are the first in Ukraine to launch a platform for selling methodological developments with official payments, and our libraries have millions of materials. Software tools: lesson/test designers/web quests/courses/certificates; general practical generators; Electronic Magazines.
Architecturally the portal consists of horizontally scaled monolith and independent micro -services. Bequet, for the most part, is yii2 on PHP 8.1. Fronttend was implemented on Vue 2,3. The main database is Mariadb, auxiliary Redis. Also in architecture there is node.js, flutter, rabitmq, supervosor, memcachad, elasticsearch. 700 "> The main duty will be Working with a monolith. At the bekend level, it is Yii2, at the front level - Vue2. Tasks will match your level and will gradually grow in difficulty. know how relational bases work at the level of lock of tables and records, be able to write a clear code without unnecessary abstractions and complications of logic. >, during which to demonstrate the knowledge of Frameworks Yii2 and Vue2, as well as the ability to work With MySQL, Redis and RabbitMq.
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