EVA is looking for a facial care consultant with Beauty experience! Can you tell you better than others? Looking forward to Evafamily! Requirements : : : : /p> nice appearance. Good communication skills, good spoken Ukrainian language. l> Active Life Position, Responsibility. Medical Education will be in priority. = "FONT-WIGHT: 700"> Working Terms: "> Working in several stores on a screening schedule: ul. European, building. 32, premises 1028; Str. May Day, building. 27, pre
EVA is looking for a facial care consultant with Beauty experience! Can you tell you better than others? Looking forward to Evafamily!
Requirements : : : : /p>
nice appearance.
Good communication skills, good spoken Ukrainian language. l> Active Life Position, Responsibility.
Medical Education will be in priority. = "FONT-WIGHT: 700"> Working Terms:
"> Working in several stores on a screening schedule: ul. European, building. 32, premises 1028; Str. May Day, building. 27, premises 134.
Business Appointment several times a month in shops in Sofiyivska Borshchagivka:? Str. Cathedral, building. 140 A; Str. Southern, building. 19; Str. Lesya Ukrainka, BUILDING 19
work schedule: 5 days a week, from Tuesday to Saturday, from 11: 00-19: 00, or from 12: 00-20: 00, 8-9 hours a day (depending on the moon), 2 weekends, 176 hours/month.
Official employment from the first day of work. /
Hardware diagnostics of facial skin, determination of skin type and further consultation of clients on facial care products.
Responsible approach to work: quality service to clients, tactful conversation and behavior, performing the necessary performance indicators (KPI) for which you can receive a bonus part to the RF