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FA/VAT Reporting Senior Accountant in Alcon

Posted more than 30 days ago




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FA/VAT Reporting Senior Accountant At Alcon, we are driven by the meaningful work we do to help people see brilliantly. We innovate boldly, champion progress, and act with speed as the global leader in eye care. Here, you'll be recognized for your commitment and contributions and see your career like never before. Together, we go above and beyond to make an impact in the lives of our patients and customers. We foster an inclusive culture and are looking for diverse, talented people to join Alco
FA/VAT Reporting Senior Accountant

At Alcon, we are driven by the meaningful work we do to help people see brilliantly. We innovate boldly, champion progress, and act with speed as the global leader in eye care. Here, you'll be recognized for your commitment and contributions and see your career like never before. Together, we go above and beyond to make an impact in the lives of our patients and customers. We foster an inclusive culture and are looking for diverse, talented people to join Alcon.

In Kyiv, our office is located in the FORUM City Garden business center at 6 Amurska Street (Vasylkivska metro station).

As a VAT Accountant at Alcon, your main responsibility will be to support R2R processes within the local accounting team, ensuring quality and efficiency. You will be responsible for VAT returns, as well as participate in intra-group transactions.

In this role, a typical day will include:
  • VAT invoice registration;
  • Monthly VAT tax return preparation (Medoc, SAP);
  • Input VAT posting into SAP;
  • Fixed assets' full cycle of accounting;
  • Customs duty reconciliation & filing for weighted average price calculation, reconciliation with customs office.


  • Education in Finance /Accounting
  • 2 - 4 years of relevant experience to the role , preferably in multinational company.
  • English - B1/B2 level
  • Ukrainian tax accounting expertise, especially VAT
  • Excel knowledge
  • Result oriented approach, good team player
  • Positive attitude and ability to work in fast-paced environment


  • Opportunity to join growing organization built within a mature, stable global company
  • Friendly working environment and a diverse and highly motivated team
  • Opportunity to develop a deep understanding of medical device industry
  • Truly international environment and interactions with colleagues from all over the world
  • Attractive social package and flexible working hours.

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Job Description

FA/VAT Reporting Senior Accountant

Компанія Alcon надихається місією, яку ми виконуємо, щоб допомогти людям бачити блискуче. Ми сміливо впроваджуємо інновації, відстоюємо прогрес і швидко розвиваємося як світовий лідер у галузі догляду за очима. У нас ви отримаєте визнання за свій внесок і відданість справі, що неодмінно впливають на Ваш кар'єрний шлях. Разом ми робимо все можливе, щоб впливати на життя наших пацієнтів і клієнтів. Ми розвиваємо інклюзивну культуру і шукаємо різноманітних талановитих людей, які приєднаються до Аlcon.

У Києві наш офіс знаходиться в бізнес-центрі FORUM City Garden за адресою вул. Амурська, 6 (метро Васильківська).

Як бухгалтер з ПДВ в Алкон, вашим основним обов'язком буде підтримка процесів R2R в локальній бухгалтерській команді, забезпечення якості та ефективності. Ви будеto be responsible for VAT declarations, as well as to participate in intra-group transactions.

In this role, a typical day will be as follows:

- registration of tax invoices

- monthly preparation of VAT declaration (Medoc, SAP);

- Implementation of tax credit in SAP

- Full accounting cycle of non-current assets;

- reconciliation of customs duties according to VMD and compilation of files for calculating the weighted average value of goods, reconciliation with customs.


- Education in the field of finance/accounting will be an advantage .

- 2 - 4 years of work experience in a relevant position, preferably in an international company.

- Knowledge of the English language - level B1/B2.

- Knowledge of Ukrainian tax accounting, especially VAT

- Knowledge of Excel.

- Results orientation, ability to work in a team.

- Positive attitude and ability to work in a fast-paced environment.


- An opportunity to join a growing organization created within the framework of a stable international company.

- Friendly working environment, diverse and motivated team.

- An opportunity to gain knowledge from the field of medical products industry.

- International environment and interaction with colleagues from all over the world.

- Attractive social package and flexible work schedule.

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