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Explosive Ordnance Risk Education Project Manager in Handicap international

Posted more than 30 days ago


Handicap international

Handicap international

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Full-time work
Explosive Ordnance Risk Education Project Manager COUNTRY:  Ukraine REPORTS TO:  Area Manager LOCATION: Dnipro Please send your CV in English only.GENERAL MISSION Under the management of the Area Manager and in close cooperation with the Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) Field Technical Specialist, the Project Manager contributes to the deployment of EORE and CPP activities and any other relevant activity under the AVR framework. He/she ensures optimal quality and impact of his/her projec

Explosive Ordnance Risk Education Project Manager 

COUNTRY:  Ukraine 

REPORTS TO:  Area Manager 


Please send your CV in English only.


Under the management of the Area Manager and in close cooperation with the Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) Field Technical Specialist, the Project Manager contributes to the deployment of EORE and CPP activities and any other relevant activity under the AVR framework. He/she ensures optimal quality and impact of his/her projects. 

In the East Hub based in Dnipro, & Poltava, HI is implementing Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) and Conflict Preparedness and Protection (CPP) inside communal settings for displaced and potential returnees, at community level, in the private sector and in the educational facilities. EORE refers to activities that seek to reduce the risk of injury from EO by raising awareness of women, girls, boys and men in accordance with their different vulnerabilities, roles and needs, and promoting behavioral change. Core activities include public information dissemination, education and training. CPP intends to empower individuals to protect themselves against armed conflict. In addition, HI will provide Explosive Ordnance and CPP Safety Briefings for humanitarian actors, including first responders and volunteers. 


Mission 1. Management:   

  1. Line-manages the project’s team members and support their field deployments (sets individual objectives, evaluates individual performance, contributes towards the professional & career development of his/her team members, monitors competences). 

  2. Organizes and leads regular team meetings.  

  3. Manages the recruitment and selection of new team members. 

  4. Ensures strict application and respect of the program’s Internal Regulations by the project team. 

Mission 2. Expertise: 

  1.  Provides the technical expertise for the project, with the support of the Technical Specialist. 
  2. Helps to coordinate technical professional development and facilitates a community of practice, in collaboration with the Armed Violence Reduction Division. 

  3. Manages relationships with technical authorities, local partners or other stakeholders. 

Mission 3. Implementation and Monitoring:   

  1. Ensures project implementation, in collaboration with the relevant services and in line with general standards and procedures: 

  • Ensures the planning of activities and establishes action plans;  

  • Ensures that activities are implemented in line with the project proposal and the allocated budget;  

  • Manages expenditures and ensures a follow up of budget lines for his/her activities;  

  • Ensures that activities are implemented according to internal quality and technical standards and, if necessary, proposes adjustment or improvements to help meet objectives;  

  • Prepares and monitors partnership agreements with implementing partners and other potential partners;  

  • Ensures the effective implementation and follow up of institutional policies (PSEA, mandatory cross-cutting approaches, etc.) on his/her project;  

  • Coordinates and collaborates with relevant internal services, especially logistics, RH, finance and technical resources. 

2.    Ensures project data management: 

  • Ensures that the appropriate data collection and management tools are in place on the project, in line with global standards;  

  • Ensures that data related to the project is collected and compiled in the project database;  

  • Carries out regular verifications and makes any necessary corrections in the activity database. 

3.    Ensures project reporting: 

  • Monitors the achievement of results and indicators, as per the logical framework;  

  • Is in charge of producing the appropriate reporting tools: monthly situation report, PM Box;  

  • Reports regularly to the line manager;  

  • Writes reports for the funding agencies when relevant and monitors donor deadlines (grants, reporting, audits) concerning the project;  

  • Guarantees the proper archiving of information. 

4.   Ensures and steers project evaluation and capitalization: 

  • Plans and monitors project evaluations;  

  • Produces project capitalization and learning from experience material. 

Mission 4. Influence & Communication:    

  1. Contributes to HI’s external influence by participating in relevant networks. 

  2. Communicates on the project to partners, authorities and stakeholders when relevant. 

  3. Apply the internal communication guidelines and contribute to the communication Country strategy 

Mission 5. Strategy & business development:   

  1. Contributes to program or country operational strategy (StratOp). 

  2. Drafts new project proposals for the continuity or expansion of the project. 

  3. Contributes to the drafting of new proposals for new opportunities. 



  • Degree in public administration, politic or social science or any other relevant sector. 

  • A Master’s degree in the same field is desirable; 


  • At least 1 years of field professional experience in humanitarian mine action (EORE, Non-Technical Survey, CPP, etc) 

  • Previous experience in training targeting adults and/or children 

  • Professional experience with IEDs in an EORE context. 

  • Preferable - work experience in local/international NGOs. 


  • English and Ukrainian – intermediate/upper intermediate 

  • Knowledge and use of the common IT tools 

  • Team building 

  • Training capacities 

  • Knowledge of the humanitarian principles and framework 

Personal qualities:  

  • Excellent management and communication skills and diplomacy; 

  • Autonomous and initiative-taking;   

  • Flexibility; 

  • Problem solving skills;  

  • Practical, dynamic and solution oriented; 

  • Ability to work as part of a team/network and able to support a positive working environment; 

  • High level of motivation and proactivity. 

  • Excellent capacity to withstand pressure and manage stress; 

  • Emotional maturity. 


Contract: Employment contract (according to Ukrainian legislation) Fixed-Term

Type of employment: Full-time

Benefits Package:

  • 30 calendar days for annual leaves 
  • 12 days of internal wellbeing paid leaves annually (pro-rata)
  • Medical Insurance for HI staff and one dependent (tax paid by HI)
  • Individual counselling sessions for HI staff
  • Relocation package might be granted for the managerial positions and key positions if needed 
  • Relevant supportive measures for person with disabilities (if needed)

By submitting the CV application, the applicant gives his/her consent to the processing of his/her personal data (in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine).


HI is an equal opportunity employer. We value diversity and we are committed to creating an inclusive environment based on mutual respect for all employees. We do not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, disability status, religion, ethnic origin, colour, race, marital status, or other protected characteristics. 

All interested candidates irrespective of age, sex, disability status, religion, ethnic origin, colour, race, marital status, or other protected characteristics are encouraged to apply for the vacancy.

If you have a disability and require any special arrangements to assist you during the interview, please inform us with the necessary details.

Handicap International has clear institutional policies on "Child Protection", "Anti-fraud, Bribery and Corruption", "Disability, Gender and Age" and "Protection of Beneficiaries from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment”. It is therefore mandatory for all staff to commit themselves to respect, uphold and promote these policies, and to sign the HI Code and Conduct. 


Керівник проєкту з протимінної діяльності 

КРАЇНА:   Україна  

ПІДПОРЯДКОВУЄТЬСЯ: Регіональний Керівник  

РЕГІОН:  Дніпро  

Прохання надсилати резюме англійською мовою.


Під керівництвом регіонального керівника та у співпраці з польовим технічним спеціалістом з навчання ризикам, пов’язаним з вибухонебезпечними предметами (EORE), керівник проекту робить свій внесок у розгортання заходів з EORE та СPP (готовність та захист у випадку конфлікту), а також будь-якої іншої відповідної діяльності в рамках AVR (зменшення збройного насильства). Він/вона забезпечує оптимальну якість і результативність своїх проектів.  

У Східному хабі (EAST), що базується в Дніпрі та Полтаві, НІ впроваджує активності з навчання ризикам, пов’язаним з вибухонеб(EORE), as well as conflict preparedness and protection (CRR) activities in collective accommodation facilities for displaced persons and potential returnees, at the community level, in the private sector and in educational institutions. EORE is an activity aimed at reducing the risk of injury by raising awareness among women, girls, boys and men according to their vulnerabilities, roles and needs, and promoting behavior change. Key activities include information dissemination, education and training. SRR aims to increase people's ability to defend themselves in the event of armed conflict. In addition, NI conducts explosive ordnance and IED security training for humanitarian organizations. Especially for those who provide first aid and volunteers.  


Task 1. Guidance    

  1. Performs line management of his project team members and supports project deployment in the fields (sets individual tasks, evaluates individual effectiveness, promotes professional and career development of his team members, monitors competencies). 

  2. Organizes and conducts regular team meetings.  

  3. Manages the recruitment and selection of new team members.  

  4. Ensures strict application and compliance with internal program rules by the project team.  

Task 2. Examination

  1. Provides technical expertise of the project with the support of a technical specialist. 

  2. Helps coordinate technical professional development and fosters a community of practitioners in collaboration with the Gun Violence Reduction Division. 

  3. Manages relationships with technical bodies, local partners and other stakeholders.  


Task 3: Implementation and Monitoring  

  1. Ensures the implementation of the project in cooperation with the relevant services and in accordance with the general standards and procedures:

  • Ensures activity planning and develops action plans; 

  • Ensures the implementation of measures in accordance with the project proposal and the allocated budget; 

  • Manages expensesand provides control over the implementation of budget items for its activities; 

  • achievement of set goals; 

  • Prepares and monitors partnership agreements with implementing partners and other potential partners; 

  • Ensures effective implementation and compliance with institutional policies (PSEAH (Protection Against Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment), interdisciplinary approaches, etc. in his project;

  • Coordinates and cooperates with relevant internal services, especially with logistics, HR, and technical resources.

2 project data management:

  • Ensures that the project has appropriate data collection and management tools according to global standards;

  • Ensures the collection of data related to the project; and their entry into the database of the project;  

  • Performs regular checks and makes any necessary corrections to the activity database.  

3.    Provides project reporting:

  • Monitors achievement of results and indicators according to logical schemes;  

  • Responsible for creating relevant reporting tools: monthly situation report, PM Box; 

  • Regularly reports to his line manager;  

  • Writes reports for financial institutions when appropriate and monitors compliance with deadlines set by donors (grants, reporting , concerning the project);  

  • Guarantees proper archiving of information.  

4.   Ensures and manages project evaluation and capitalization:

  • Plans and monitors project evaluation;  

  • Ensures project capitalization and lessons learned.  

Task 4. Influence and communication: < /span>  

  1. Contributes to the external influence of NI by participating in relevant networks.  

  2. Informs about the couples projectmanagers, authorities and stakeholders where appropriate.  

  3. Applies internal communication guidelines and contributes to the country's communication strategy.  

 Mission 5. Strategy and business development:  

  1. Contributes to the development of program and country operational strategy (StratOp).  

  2. Develops new project proposals to continue or expand the project. 

  3. Contributes to the development of new proposals for new opportunities.  



  • Diploma of higher education in the field of public administration, political or social sciences or in any other relevant field

  • Preferred have a master's degree in the same field; 

Work experience :

  • At least 1 year of professional field experience in humanitarian mine action (EORE, non-technical survey, CPP, etc.)

  • Prior experience in training for adults and/or children

  • Professional work experience in IED risk training in the context of EORE

  • Experience in local/international non-governmental organizations is desirable. 


  • English and Ukrainian language - intermediate/upper intermediate

  • Knowledge and use of common IT tools

  • Team building skills

  • Facilitation skills of trainings

  • Knowledge of humanitarian principles and framework

Personal qualities:  

  • Excellent management and communication skills, diplomacy; 

  • Autonomy and initiative; 

  • Flexibility; 

  • Problem solving skills; 

  • Practical, dynamic and solution-oriented;

  • Ability to work in a team/network and maintain a positive work environment; 

  • High level of motivation and proactivity. 

  • Excellent ability to withstand pressure and cope with stress; 

  • Emotional maturity. 


Contract:Employment contract (according to the legislation of Ukraine) Term

Employment type: Full time


  • 30 calendar days of annual leave
  • 12 days of annual paid wellness leave (pro-rated time worked)
  • Health insurance for HI employees and one family member (the supplement pays HI)
  • Individual psychological counseling for HI employees
  • Relocation package can be provided for management positions and key positions, if necessary
  • Appropriate support measures for a person with disabilities (if necessary)


HI is an equal opportunity employer. We value diversity and strive to create an inclusive environment based on mutual respect for all employees. We do not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, disability, religion, ethnic origin, color, race, marital status or other protected characteristics.

All interested candidates, regardless of age, gender, disability, religion, ethnic origin, color, race, marital status or other characteristics, are encouraged to apply for the position.

If you have a disability and require any special arrangements to assist you during the interview, please let us know the necessary details.

Handicap International has transparent institutional policies on Child Protection, Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption, Disability, Gender and Age, and Protecting Beneficiaries from Sexual Exploitationatation, bullying and harassment". They are mandatory for all employees who are required to respect, uphold and promote these policies and sign the HI Code of Conduct.

By submitting a resume, the applicant consents to the processing of his personal data (in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine).

Without experience
Full-time work
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