KSG Agro
In connection with the reorganization, a competition for the position of executive director of agricultural farms has been announced. enterprise.
• higher education (professional);
• at least 5 years of experience in managing the technological activities of a crop enterprise (plant enterprise);
• team management experience
• developed managerial qualities; activity, high level of responsibility, initiative, demandingness;
• PC knowledge: Microsoft office, Internet Explorer, Cropio
• readiness to move to the Dnipropetrovsk region.
• management of agricultural production and technological processes. enterprises. Provides crop rotation and technological maps. Organizes the implementation of measures to increase the productivity of agricultural lands, soil fertility; rational use of labor force, agricultural machinery, correct use of organic and mineral fertilizers, pesticides, plant growth regulators.
• Responsible for compliance with agricultural technologies. Ensures the implementation of business plan tasks in accordance with established quantitative and qualitative indicators, approval of crop rotation, technological cards for the enterprise. Organizes work on soil preparation for sowing and planting. Develops measures to prepare and apply fertilizers to the soil. Supervises the preparation of seeds and planting material.
• Organizes the sowing of field crops.
• Develops plans (calendar schedules) for crop care.
• Forms a daily operative report during field work