ScruplesResearch OU
scruples Research is Innovative and ecological humanitarian social enterprise operating in Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Poland, Moldova, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Georgia). We conduct research, monitoring, evaluation, training and potential for humanitarian actors, including UN agencies, international and national non -governmental organizations, civil society organizations, analytical centers and coordination bodies. span>
why is worth it join us? span>
basic responsibilities: <<< /Span>
provide feedback on research tools and initial reports.
Definition and recruitment of participants to collect data.
participate in training, final project meetings and feedback for research.
observance of ethical standards of Scruples Research, including safety and data protection protocols.
requirements: span>
take the initiative, set priorities correctly, work under pressure and plan your time effectively.
understand and maintain diversity, equality and treat everyone with respect.
maintain high professional standards of behavior. FONT-STYLE: Normal "