Responsibilities:participate in the preparation of measures for the maintenance of real estate, inspection of the technical condition of the Enterprise's facilities;carrying out measures aimed at ensuring road traffic safety during the operation of the company's vehicles; participation in carrying out, together with other structural units, the inventory of real estate objects of the Enterprise.< /span>organization of procurement of household goods and services that ensure the life of the Enterpr
- participate in the preparation of measures for the maintenance of real estate, inspection of the technical condition of the Enterprise's facilities;
- carrying out measures aimed at ensuring road traffic safety during the operation of the company's vehicles;
participation in carrying out, together with other structural units, the inventory of real estate objects of the Enterprise.< /span> - organization of procurement of household goods and services that ensure the life of the Enterprise.
- < span style="font-style: normal; font-weight: 400">complete higher education in the relevant field of study (specialist);
- < span style="font-style: normal; font-weight: 400">Power user: MS Office (Word, Exsel, , Outlook), Internet skills (InternetExplorer, and by email (Outlook);< /span>
- наявність актуалізованих документів у ТЦК
- відповідальність, ініціативність та інші лідерські якості.
Умови праці:
- графік роботи : з 9 до 18 робочі дні;
- відпустка - 28 робочих днів;
- Офіційне працевлаштування;
- Чай, кава, питна вода для співробітників;
- Роботу в компанії, що динамічно розвивається;
- Доброзичливу команду;