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Economist (rent payments) in LPP Ukraine

Posted more than 30 days ago


LPP Ukraine

LPP Ukraine

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Without experience
Full-time work

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lpp is an international a Polish company that has been successfully operating in fashion and retail for over 30 years. Our company manages five recognizable brands: Reserved, Cropp, House, Mohito and Sinsay . FONT-STYLE: Normal "> We have already opened 200 + shops in Ukraine -style: Normal " rent to strengthen the financial department. mentor for the period of study and adaptation; health insurance; fully official employment, social guarantee; "> Smooth and systematic adapta

lpp is an international a Polish company that has been successfully operating in fashion and retail for over 30 years. Our company manages five recognizable brands: Reserved, Cropp, House, Mohito and Sinsay . FONT-STYLE: Normal "> We have already opened 200 + shops in Ukraine -style: Normal " rent to strengthen the financial department.

  • mentor for the period of study and adaptation;
  • health insurance;
  • fully official employment, social guarantee; "> Smooth and systematic adaptation process;
  • Discounts on all products of the company 25%;
  • The main tasks will be:

    • Complete Administration of Lease Contracts (Reading and Analysis of the Contract, Fixing Commercial and Financial Conditions, Control of Its Fulfillment);
    • Initiation of payments under lease contracts;
    • Control of payments and compliance with the current terms of the contract; Weight: 400 "> Active cooperation with representatives of the lease department and the legal department in the framework of contract work. FONT-STYLE: Normal "> Our expectations from the candidate:

      • Experience in the position of accountant/economist from 1 year;
      • EXCEL user; /
      • The ability to work with time will be the advantage.

      Mandatory Send your resume, Complete the selection and join the LPP Ukraine!

      follow us on Instagram: @lpp_ukraine.People

      Telegram @recruiter_lpp

      We consider feedback within 5 working days. If you have not received the answer during this time, it means that we currently have no appropriate proposals, but we have kept your resume in our database.

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    Without experience
    Full-time work
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