Nacionalne agentstvo Ukrayini z pitan derzhavnoyi sluzhbi
formation and implementation of civil service policy, in particular on digitalization in the field of public service; Support and operation in NGOs: local computer network and its improvement, electronic document management systems, electronic information resources, software;
Ensuring, functioning and development of human resources management information system in government bodies (HRMIS);
Ensuring HRMIS administration, a single portal of public service vacancies, web-portal of knowledge management in the field of professional training "Knowledge Management Portal";
Ensuring the technical performance of automated workplaces (ARM) of NGO workers;
implementation of financial and economic calculations on the amount of financial and material costs required to ensure the formation and implementation of state policy; providing, organizing and updating licenses, certificates for HRMIS needs;
providing within the powers of the implementation of projects and implementation of programs for improvement of public administration and public service, as well as programs of involvement of international technical assistance. Strong>
you come to us if:
ready for challenges, communicative and initiative, quickly adapting to change, you have management skills, knowledge and experience in IT and project management.
Required requirements:
conditions of remuneration: