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Direct Communications Lead in Uklon

Posted more than 30 days ago




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Without experience
Full-time work
uklon is a product IT company that develops a leading RODD-Haying Service. Every day a powerful UKlon team pumps one of the largest infrastructures in the Ukrainian market and beyond, providing the interaction of drivers and rider. which hide ambitious technological challenges, continuous innovations and non -obvious moves. Our work framework is to test new hypotheses, to burn your ideas and to use the last stack of technology. -Style: Inherit; FONT-STYLE: NORMAL; -Style: Normal; HBZOI8VD3D3D3lm

uklon is a product IT company that develops a leading RODD-Haying Service. Every day a powerful UKlon team pumps one of the largest infrastructures in the Ukrainian market and beyond, providing the interaction of drivers and rider. which hide ambitious technological challenges, continuous innovations and non -obvious moves. Our work framework is to test new hypotheses, to burn your ideas and to use the last stack of technology. -Style: Inherit; FONT-STYLE: NORMAL; -Style: Normal; HBZOI8VD3D3D3lmxpbmtlzglulmnvbs9pbi92axrhbgluys1oyxzyawx1ay8ilcjwywywywnhbMn5swqiojewdaznjgzfq == "" " RL = "nofollow noopener noreferr" style = "text-dissolation: none; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400" Target = "_ BLANK"> Vitalina FONT-Weight: 400 ">>, Recruiter

What do we offer for this role:

  • grow together with the leading technological a company that is a national leader in Rydheyling-Service
  • Building a new functional and technical direction within the framework >
  • To influence the business results of a company that serves more than 7 million Ukrainians and participate in the construction of communication strategies for expression countries
  • Ability to use modern technological solutions to build communication mechanic
  • Big Data experience - conclusions and decision -making only on the basis of large data ranges
  • immersion in the culture of a company that considers each employee significant and valuable
  • Regular Performance & Salery Revievyhahatha To influence the development of the company: • Management of a team of communications specialists: task distribution, work coordination and team development
  • Development and implementation of omnial communication strategies, control over the execution and efficiency of campaigns
  • Sapport and Development of Interaction with External Contractors to ensure the smooth operation of all communications channels
  • Analysis and optimization of campaigns, initiation of A/b tests and implementation of improvements to improve efficiency
  • Interaction with Stakeholders: Marketing Coordination, Technical Teams and Other Departments to AchievedCompany goals

< Challenge for 3 months:

  • Form the key metrics of the unit to evaluate its efficiency
  • formulate a crisis communication strategy (Action Plan for negative situations)


Work experience from 2 Years in the Directions of: Renction, E-mail Marketing, Telemarketing

  • Experience Development of Communication Strategies
  • From the Year of Experience in Team Management
  • A deep understanding of the methods of omnivanal communications, segmentation and personalization
  • Data Analysis Experience, Reports and Strategies Development Based on Indicators? FONT-Weight: 400 "> Experience in the planning of media, personal and product, situational communications

  • How do you regulate your working time? FONT-Weight: 400 "> You can plan your work schedule on your own, however, to be effective,
    we have a mandatory joint working time-business hours, from 11:00 to 16:00 < Li style = "font-style: normal; FONT-Weight: 400 "> 20 Days Off on Personal Needs and 10-because of illness (with reward)

  • Day Off on your birthday as a gift of the company
  • Day Off for blood donation
  • How will you pump your skills in Uklon? FONT-Weight: 400 "> Internal Trainings, Worshops, Hakhotons, Knowledge Sherry, etc. FONT-Weight: 400 "> Corporate Learning

  • Corporate Library and Information Resources Subscription
  • Visiting Webinars, Lectures with the participation of company speakers, etc.
  • Personal/Team Budget for Training
  • English Lessons
  • WORK (WAR)-Life Balance
    We are a socially responsible company, so we devote a lot of time to the activeness With volunteer activities, we also support the team spirit in the non -working hours: we adore driving Timbildings, sports competitions, etc. .

    Health Care:

      style =" font-style: normal; FONT-Weight: 400 "> Corporate Health Insurance, including for membranes that are abroad

      Regular Sport Activities:
    • Uklon Football Weekly
    • Uklon Online Yoga

    If you are looking for a driving and ambition product company, focused on development and world expansion, interested in using the latest technologies and ready to further increase your expertise, join the UKlon team.

    Terms of Processing and Protection of Personal Candidate Personal Data . Sending us your personal data, including those contained in your resume, you consent to process personal data processing according to these conditions.

    Without experience
    Full-time work
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