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Deputy Head of Technical Support Department of External Users of Electronic Services in Golovne upravlinnya Pensiynogo fondu Ukrayini v m. Kievi

Posted more than 30 days ago


Golovne upravlinnya Pensiynogo fondu Ukrayini v m. Kievi

Golovne upravlinnya Pensiynogo fondu Ukrayini v m. Kievi

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Without experience
Full-time work

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Main Directorate of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in Kyiv, Civil Service. "Mathematics", "Social Security", "System Analysis", "Automation of Instrumentation", "Electrical Engineering", "Electronics Telecommunications" Working conditions: working time is 40 hours per week, five -day work week. The start of working time is 9 hours 00 minutes. The end of working time by day: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - 18 hours 00 minutes, Friday - 16 hours 45 minutes. A break from 13 hours 00 minutes

Main Directorate of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in Kyiv, Civil Service. "Mathematics", "Social Security", "System Analysis", "Automation of Instrumentation", "Electrical Engineering", "Electronics Telecommunications"

Working conditions:

working time is 40 hours per week, five -day work week. The start of working time is 9 hours 00 minutes. The end of working time by day: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - 18 hours 00 minutes, Friday - 16 hours 45 minutes. A break from 13 hours 00 minutes and lasts 45 minutes.

  • Information and explanatory work on technical support of external users of electronic services of the Pension Fund of Ukraine.
  • Organization and performance of work related to registration Accounting in the Main Directorate of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in Kyiv. and analytical materials on issues within the competence of the technical support of external users of electronic services, submission of proposals for improving this work. the work of the department, their use and disposal.
  • perform the duties of the head of the department in the absence of it; Fulfillment of other tasks and instructions of the head of the department and the head of the department. with a list of vacancies;
  • Get information on job requirements;
  • Download a resume (installed sample) to fill and send an email address

    [email protected]
  • Candidate resumes are accepted on May 30

    In case of questions, contact the staff of the department of selection, assessment and development of personnel staffing staff by tel. > (044) 486 29 28

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    respect Main Directorate of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in Kyiv.

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    Without experience
    Full-time work
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