Agrokim LLC (Prylutsky Cluster of Agrarian Company IMC) invites you to work Deputy CEO of Financial and Economic Security in Pryluky, Chernihiv region C: Higher education (preferably economic, legal or security). experience in the field of financial, economic or corporate security. financial and economic activity, detection of fraudulent schemes. skills of checking counterparties and conducting analytical work. Preparation. Driving Identium Categories in , trouble -free drivin
Agrokim LLC (Prylutsky Cluster of Agrarian Company IMC) invites you to work Deputy CEO of Financial and Economic Security in Pryluky, Chernihiv region
- Higher education (preferably economic, legal or security).
- experience in the field of financial, economic or corporate security. financial and economic activity, detection of fraudulent schemes.
- skills of checking counterparties and conducting analytical work. Preparation.
- Driving Identium Categories in , trouble -free driving experience from 3 years .
- lack Employment and full social package. Responsibilities:
- Monitoring and Analysis of Threats of Economic Security of the Company.
- Prompt response to incidents and emergencies. Elevators.
- Implementation of measures to minimize theft, misuse of resources.
- Development and implementation of company security policies. Companies.
- Organization and control of the control regime at the enterprise. Str. Ring, 46
Directions of activity: crop production and elevator economy
Land bank in cultivation - 18.7 thousand hectares of land in cultivation
of grain storage capacity - 160 thousand tons
408 employees
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Data-Vacancymail = "> [email protected] span>.
In case of compliance companies.