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Data collector, interviewer (Accountability Enumerator) in ACTED

Posted more than 30 days ago




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Without experience
Full-time work

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ACTED is a French NGO founded in 1993 that supports vulnerable sections of the population affected by humanitarian crises around the world. ACTED provides ongoing support to vulnerable communities by ensuring the sustainability of post-crisis interventions and preparedness for the long-term challenges facing populations in order to break the cycle of poverty, promote development and reduce vulnerability to disasters. Our employees are always ready to respond to emergency situations, support and

ACTED is a French NGO founded in 1993 that supports vulnerable sections of the population affected by humanitarian crises around the world. ACTED provides ongoing support to vulnerable communities by ensuring the sustainability of post-crisis interventions and preparedness for the long-term challenges facing populations in order to break the cycle of poverty, promote development and reduce vulnerability to disasters. Our employees are always ready to respond to emergency situations, support and restore sustainable development through 450 projects in 43 countries.

Period of work:

  • The position provides project work under financing


data collector — UAH 1,536. per day before taxation

Duties and Responsibilities

< strong style="font-weight: 700">Beneficiary Complaints and Response Mechanism (CRM)

1.1 Establishment and Promotion of the CRM

  1. Establish, implement and monitor the beneficiary Complaints and Response Mechanism (CRM) for the country mission in line with ACTED standard beneficiary CRM procedures;
  2. Accompany the MEAL and /or project teams to the field in order to spread awareness about the CRM to beneficiaries, as well as local authorities and stakeholders in ACTED's areas of implementation, during field visits;
  3. Develop CRM IEC materials in a language that can be widely understood (including people with low levels of literacy);
  4. Regularly assess effectiveness of all information-sharing efforts and incorporate findings into revised approaches;
  5. Maintain records of CRM awareness raising and promotion activities (including approximate numbers of participants) and submit to Project Managers as required.

1.2. Implementation of the CRM

< ol style="font-weight: 400; font-style: normal">
  • Ensure the effective functioning of the beneficiary CRM and that beneficiary complaints/feedback is adequately captured, analyzed, addressed and responded to in a timely manner and utilized by the program and coordination teams;
  • Receive and respond to complaintsnts through telephone hotline, in writing, and in person;
  • Treat urgent and/or sensitive complaints with the immediate attention they require, and ensure a fast resolution;
  • Maintain confidential and detailed records of all complaints in the CRM database and other electronic and hard copy filing systems, as appropriate;
  • Respond to complaints objectively, accurately, and in line with ACTED guidelines, using information provided by Project Managers, MEAL Officers/Monitors, Area Coordinators, Technical Coordinators, project documents, FLATS documents and procedures, etc;
  • Follow up on pending complaints with Project, MEAL, and Coordination staff;
  • Adapt and improve the CRM based on monitoring of its effectiveness.
  • Key Qualifications

    • Prior experience with humanitarian or development agencies is preferred;
    • English language skills are preferred.

    Подача заявки:

    Зацікавлені кандидати повинні надіслати резюме українською мовою вказавши в темі листа посаду, на яку претендують (повідомлення без вказання посади не розглядатимуться). Тільки вибрані кандидати будуть запрошені на співбесіду. IMPACT і ACTED — роботодавці рівних можливостей.


    “ACTED has a zero-tolerance approach to sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment (SEAH). Please note that any candidate offered a job will sign the Code of Conduct, and related policies, as part of their work contract. Misconduct can lead to dismissal.”

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    Without experience
    Full-time work
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