UGB eko bank krayini / UKRGAZBANK AB
Ukrgasbank < /B>-the first eco-bank of Ukraine and Eastern Europe. Our bank has been an undeniable leader in Green Financing-since 2016, Sustainable Development Projects have been funded, including renewable energy, resource-efficient modernization and environmental protection, more > You" Our Man "if you have: span> span> Why do you enjoy working with us: span>
we for progressive eco-approach everywhere-both in business and in management! -weight: 400 "/> Innovative, creative, flexible and effective team - our value and one of the key focuses in development. We have saved and taken care of all employees during quarantine, and we will continue to do so if the changing world will require it! Now our team needs replenishment, because interesting tasks and new challenges are getting more! , Your brain seeks ambitious projects and decisive steps, we are waiting for your job resume " data analyst ". -style: normal "/>