Auchan-one of the largest retailers in the Ukrainian market, invites to span- to evaluate the level of customer satisfaction with metrics (NPS, CSAT, CES, FCR) Provide and update scripts, wealth of reports for correct technical support, etc. span> Optimize and simplify the processes of client request processing Encourage Customers to Self-Service Solutions (Knowledge Base Automated FAQ) Participate in other projects of the Innovation Department This is about you ">? FONT-STYLE: NORMAL "> You will be able to: In case of interest, please send a resume with indicationBazhany RIVNE SROBITE PAY. make us in social tenderings: Style = "Font-weight: 400; font-style: normal"> https://www.instagram.com/auchanukraine/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucjkzow0edjni_tri6hkzusg/featured