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Coordinator for cooperation with the Temporary Special Commission of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in Internyuz-Ukrayina, GO

Posted more than 30 days ago


Internyuz-Ukrayina, GO

Internyuz-Ukrayina, GO

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The non-governmental organization "Internews-Ukraine" announces a competition for the search for a coordinator for cooperation with the Temporary Special Commission of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine within the framework of the "RADA: Next Generation" project, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).< p>GOAL: the selection of a professional who will coordinate the cooperation of the Program with the Temporary Special Commission (TSC) of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukrain

The non-governmental organization "Internews-Ukraine" announces a competition for the search for a coordinator for cooperation with the Temporary Special Commission of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine within the framework of the "RADA: Next Generation" project, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

< p>GOAL: the selection of a professional who will coordinate the cooperation of the Program with the Temporary Special Commission (TSC) of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the protection of property and non-property rights internally displaced persons and other persons affected by the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine for the period of April-September 2024 with the possibility of contract extension. Cooperation involves the involvement of at least 10 days of service provision per month, trips around Ukraine and abroad. 


  • Constant communication with TSK representatives.
  • Organization of public events, trainings, exercises. Support in the organization of TSC committee hearings, field meetings, parliamentary and municipal forums on IDP issues.
  • General coordination of TSC cooperation with Program experts: coordination of research, analysis of draft laws.
  • Providing support TSK: in terms of conducting consultations, holding parliamentary and municipal forums on IDP issues. Including the development of appropriate methodological recommendations at the request of the Program.
  • Performance of other organizational tasks within the framework of the implementation of the Program projects as needed.


  • Complete higher education (specialty law, public administration, political science, management, etc.).
  • Awareness of the legislative process, the basics of public policy analysis, work of the Parliament.
  • Experience of working as a coordinator (or equivalent) for at least 2 years.
  • Experience of organizing public events.
  • Experience of working with state authorities/international technical assistance organizations/projects.
  • Excellent command of Ukrainian and English.
  • Resistance to stress and the ability to work effectively in a short time deadlines.


Proposals that contain:

  • contain a complete package of documents, namely: registration documents (in the case of a sole proprietorship), resume/CV, motivation letter, current contacts of three people who can provide recommendations;
  • filled in Ukrainian.
  • sent by email on time by mail.


Offers to participate in the competition are accepted until 18.00 26 January 2025 on e-mail with a mandatory indication of the subject of the letter: " Application for the competition_coordinator for cooperation with TSK". 

from the number of completed works, by non-cash transfer of the corresponding amount to the performer's account in hryvnias.

Participation in the competition can be taken by individuals and individuals entrepreneurs(FOP) >For FOP — the following is attached to the application: an up-to-date extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs, an extract from the register of taxpayers/certificate of the payer of a unified tax, an existing list of activities that correspond to the essence services for which a tender has been announced (CEDs).


  • Willingness to perform work within the specified time frame.
  • li>Confirmed experience in the field of service provision.
  • Quality of service provision.
  • Conformity of the application to the needs of the customer and the terms of the tender documentation.

Definition winnerswill take place after the technical evaluation of the proposed proposals according to the selection criteria and conducting interviews with the selected participants. The results of the selection will be announced to everyone who participated in the competition by e-mail or phone.

If you have any questions, please contact Daniil Kolesnyk at the e-mail address:

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