Bona Fides
Requires content manager to place referral links and management of accounting on social networks. style = "font-style: normal; font-weight: 400 "/> - Content creation and adaptation (texts, images, videos) to attract audiences. networks. span>
-Community management and development, interaction with the audience. br style = "font-style: normal; FONT-Weight: 400 "/> -Analysis of Publications Efficiency and Reporting. FONT-Weight: 400 "/> -Working with referral programs and partner links. FONT-Weight: 400 "/> Requirements: span>
-experience with social networks (Pinterest, Reddit, Facebook, etc.). FONT-Weight: 400 "/> -Ability to create quality content (texts, visual) span>
.- Knowledge of SMM bases and adjustment of advertising campaigns. FONT-Weight: 400 "/> -Understanding the principles of referral and affiliate programs. FONT-Weight: 400 "/> -Working with Graphic Editors (Canva, Photoshop, etc.) will be a plus. FONT-Weight: 400 "/> -Responsibility, care for details, ability to work in multitasking mode. FONT-Weight: 400 "/> Conditions:
-full-time. FONT-Weight: 400 ">-Opportunity of Remote Work. FONT-Weight: 400 ">-Official design. FONT-WIGHT: 400 ">-Competitive wage (discussed by interview results).
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