Ukrayinska Merezha za prava ditini, GS
Ukrainian Network for the Rights of the Child (hereinafter referred to 400; Consolidation of efforts and improvement of coordination between civil society organizations in Ukraine and their impact on state policy in the field of child rights. ; Style = "font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; text-disorder: none">-Creation of a program of a one-day educational event on the topic: "Registration Non-state social services providers, in particular: regulatory framework, stages Registration, Documents and Organizational Aspects, span> span> with the use of various methods and techniques, preparation of visual methodological materials using the presentation presentation template; FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None ">-preparation and holding for communities of Volyn region (Golobsk, Kamen-Kashirskaya, Lokachinsk, Manevitskaya, Olytska, Pidhaytsivska, Rozhysche, Poromovskaya, Turiyskaya and Ustiluza) five one-day educational activities on the topic:" Registration Non -state social providers services ”;
In the process of five-day educational events, to familiarize the participants with the following aspects: span>
What are non-governmental social service providers? FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None "> What are the types of social services from the minimum package provided by non-state organizations? FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None "> The role and value of registration for non-state social service providers
To familiarize with the normative legal acts governing the activities of non-state social services providers (Law of Ukraine" On Social Services ", CMU Resolution and other current documents). span>
To familiarize with the rights and responsibilities of non-state social services providers. FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None"> Familiarize with the stages of registration: preparation of documents, application, interview with registering authorities, obtaining a license, the procedure for submitting an application for registration, collecting required documents (statute, financial documents, confirmation of compliance with requirements, etc.) and the term of consideration of the application and receiving the confirmation of registration. style = "font-weight: 400; FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None ">-Preparation of the Organizer's Reporting by Enlightenment (trainer's report, event program, participants' lists, presentations, photos, etc.); : 700; FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None "> Requirements: span> -Higher Education of the Responsible Educational Direction; -Coach's experience of at least 5 years; span> -General experience in the field of social services and social work or the field of registration of providers or accompaniment of registration actions 5-10 years; span> -Experience in Development of Programs and Conducting and Conducting Education; FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None ">-a high level of knowledge of national legislation on the protection of the rights of the child and social protection; FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None ">-Excellent Presentation/Teaching/Documentation Skills. FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None "> Work Terms: Ability to become part of a big important project; New Tasks and Professional Challenges; contract work format according to the number of expert days; span> Interview Payment. FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None "> IIf you are willing to join our team, send: span> Motivational Letter with Contacts of Two Organizations/Persons for Recommendations ) span> with the topic " Coach (Ka) on the Enlightenment event on the topic: "Registration of non-governmental social services providers" _Prile " span> span> until February 28, 2025 span> On the e-mail address: [email protected] span> span> and span> Candidate (s) should (s) be able to get started as soon as possible. FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None "> The UMPD will only consider full applications and will only be in contact with candidates/kama, which are selected for interviews. FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None "> If available, the UMPD may attract a successful specialist (s) before the expiration of the final term of application. span>