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Red Cross Ukraine

Red Cross Ukraine

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The National Committee of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS) announces a competition for the position of CO-CHAIR OF IASC CASH WORKING GROUP (SUB-NATIONAL LEVEL)The Ukrainian Red Cross Society is the largest humanitarian organization in Ukraine, which is one of the first to respond to all emergencies in the country and provide assistance to those who need it most. Do you feel like you can make the world a better place? Join the Ukrainian Red Cross Society: The opportunity to do good: Help th

The National Committee of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS) announces a competition for the position of CO-CHAIR OF IASC CASH WORKING GROUP (SUB-NATIONAL LEVEL)

The Ukrainian Red Cross Society is the largest humanitarian organization in Ukraine, which is one of the first to respond to all emergencies in the country and provide assistance to those who need it most. 

Do you feel like you can make the world a better place? Join the Ukrainian Red Cross Society: 

  • The opportunity to do good: Help those who need it and feel inspired by contributing to a better world. 
  • New knowledge and skills: Take interesting trainings, become a volunteer or employee, and gain valuable experience for your life. 
  • Friends and like-minded people: Join a team of caring people who are always ready to help. 
  • Pride in your actions: Join and feel proud to be a hero! 

The Ukrainian Red Cross is thousands of people across Ukraine who make the world a better place every day. 

This position is one of the subnational co-chairs of the Ukraine Cash Working Group. Representing national actors engaged in CVA programming; supporting the CWG to highlight the collective priorities, challenges of national actors; and fostering a stronger role and opportunities for national actors contributing to the localization agenda.

Co-chairs support the Ukraine Cash Working Group mandate on coordination, harmonization, and development of an effective approach to implementation, delivery, and quality Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) for the humanitarian response in Ukraine, guided by the IASC guidelines and strategic and programming priorities of the HCT and ICCG.

By providing guidance to CVA actors and Clusters, the CWG aims to ensure the establishment of inter-agency and multi-sectoral mechanisms that promote the development of inclusive quality cash assistance. The CWG will also provide advice to the ICCG and the HCT on issues related to CVA as required. 

On behalf of the ICCG, the CWG ensures operational coordination of multi-purpose cash (MPC), including that MPC is clearly defined, harmonized, and centrally reported upon by all humanitarian actors. 



•     Provide leadership to the CWG in an accountable manner to its members; prepare, organize, chair and ensure follow-up on regular CWG meetings and exchanges between partners and ensure inclusiveness of the group; ensure relevant agenda topics are inclusive, transparent, adaptive and reflective of cash actors' needs; ensure CVA is coordinated, harmonized, and in line with best practices.

•     Represent the CWG in the Inter-Cluster Coordination Group and relevant cluster meetings; support ICCG and ensure strong linkage and timely communication with individual clusters to strengthen inter-cluster coordination efforts to CVA and ensure CVA is harmonized and in line with applicable best practices.

•     Support drafting of CWG work plans, in line withICCG/HCT priorities, for the duration of applicable HPC frameworks.

•     Maintain/update information management products (including 4Ws and inter-cluster CVA dashboards) and communication channels (including website management) on ongoing and planned CVA to inform coordination, harmonization and complementarity in programming.

•     Lead on developing the MPC strategy under the humanitarian cycle planning framework documents and advocate for securing funds dedicated to the MPC HRP response.

•     Support national task team co-chairs in the creation and operationalization of the task teams; participate, provide technical support and promote linkages with other task teams as necessary.

•     Support the sub-national CWGs and ensure information sharing and harmonization of efforts.

•     Develop strategies in conjunction with cluster coordinators to ensure that CVA best practices are systematically implemented and updated in the humanitarian response interventions.

•     Ensure that activities, data and analysis relevant to clusters are shared accordingly within the ICCG; advocate for action where inter-cluster collaboration would add value to improved CVA programming.

•     Encourage promotion and harmonization of a deduplication agenda across CVA practitioners.

•     Facilitate advocacy and strategic advice to the HC/RC, the HCT, clusters and donors in conformity with CWG identified key priorities.

•     Engage on a regular basis with donors to understand current priorities and policies, and report information accordingly to the CWG. Where appropriate, advocate with national and local government for promotion of CVA and to ensure its acceptance and understanding.

•     Provide strategic insight on the conceptualization of exit strategies from humanitarian CVA wherever possible, with particular emphasis on referrals and alignment with existing shock-responsive social protection systems; and develop and maintain relationships with key governmental bodies active in the social protection space, in complementarity with social protection actors.

•     Maintain regular communication with UN agencies, INGOs, local NGOs, Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, donors, and government active in cash programming and/or social protection as relevant.

•     Promote/support environmental analyses/assessment and awareness-raising activities on environmentally conscious spending decisions in relation to CVA.

Technical assistance

•     Coordinate the provision of direct technical advice and solutions to CWG members and clusters for efficient, effective and context appropriate CVA.

•     Draft MPCA and sector specific CVA guidelines, key messages and Standard Operational Procedures as needed.

•     Coordinate with relevant clusters and other key actors to identify referral pathways.

Ensure monitoring mechanisms are in place to review the impact of cash interventions and measure progress against implementation plans.

•     Develop and strengthen the capacity of national NGO actors to implement CVA in line with CWG standards and best practices worldwide.

•     Facilitate reviews of the financial and legal framework(s) pertaining to CVAs within the country as required and advise implementing agencies on opportunities and constraints.

•     Collaborate, review and make available information on financial infrastructure and available delivery mechanisms and advise implementing agencies on opportunities and constraints.

•     Assist the CWG in designing tools for, and the implementation of, market and needs assessment, response analyses, selection of delivery mechanisms and PDM.

•     Support the establishment of standardized data management, data sharing and data sharing systems to facilitate data collection, efficiency in assessment and referral

3. Reporting and Knowledge Management

•     Report to the ICCG on a regular basis on progress against the agreed workplan and key relevant topics. Report to the HCT similarly when required.

•     Collect and promote good practices and lessons learned, contributing to a collection of replicable good practices for cash transfer programming and a way forward on coordinating multi-sector responses, guidelines and guidance development.

•     Establish and maintain connections with the Cash Learning partnership (CALP) and other relevant platforms and fora for the purpose of learning and capacity building of the community of practice.


-     A post-graduate degree in an appropriate technical field

-     A minimum of two years’ work experience with CVA in the humanitarian sector 

-     Understanding of the IASC coordination mechanisms and familiarity with the Cluster system and interagency working groups.  

-     Representation experience, including presenting to internal and external audiences

-     Demonstrated ability to facilitate face to face and online meetings, discussions, events, and training. 

-     Excellent analytical skills and ability to influence decision-makers.

-     Effective coordination skills, including the ability to liaise with various agencies/individuals, organize events, prioritize work, and ensure a smooth flow of information and a productive working environment, fostering good cooperation and information-sharing.

-     Excellent analytical skills and ability to influence decision-makers.

-     Strong communication, interpersonal and diplomatic skills; Ukrainian and fluent in oral and written English.

-     Capacity to remain calm and professional while working under pressure; ability to deliver effectively on strategic priorities and outcomes.

-     Ability to work independently and with people located in different geographical locations and in other organizations. Ability to work remotely effectivelyThe Ukrainian Red Cross Society offers: 

  • Interesting, diverse and multitasking work; 
  • Employment in accordance with the Labor Code; 
  • Timely payment of salary; 
  • A friendly and close-knit team of like-minded people; 
  • Participation in trainings and seminars in Ukraine and abroad. 
  • Unique experience in the largest public organization in Ukraine 


We aim to create a safe and inclusive environment at URCS that will provide all employees and volunteers, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, or sexual orientation,  equal access to opportunities, protection of their dignity, and equal rights.  

We are an employer with equal opportunities for all employees, including people with disabilities.  

We do not discriminate in our recruitment and employment practices based on race, color, religion, gender, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, genetic information, or age.  

Sexual exploitation and abuse are prohibited in all forms. The organization implements a policy to prevent sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, and abuse, including in the workplace.   

Location: Dnipro URCS office, with potential travel to different part of Ukraine.

Please note that the location of the role may change based on the operational needs and security context. 

If you are interested in this position, please send your CV and Cover letter to [email protected]  

Due to many requests, we contact candidates who fully meet the vacancy's requirements. 



Національний комітет Товариства Червоного Хреста України (ТХЧУ) оголошує конкурс на посаду  Співголова робочої групи з грошових виплат Міжвідомчого постійного комітету (на субнаціональному рівні)

Товариство Червоного Хреста України - найбільша гуманітарна організація України, яка одна з найперших реагує на всі надзвичайні ситуації в країні і надає допомогу тим, хто найбільше її потребує. 

Відчуваєте, що можете зробити світ кращим? Приєднуйтесь до Товариства Червоного Хреста України:  

  • Можливість творити добро: Допоможіть тим, хто цього потребує, і відчуйте натхнення  від зробленого внеску   
  • Нові знання та навички: Пройдіть цікаві тренінги, станьте волонтером або співробітником і отримайте досвід, який стане у пригоді в житті. 
  • Друзі та однодумці: Приєднуйтесь до команди небайдужих людей, які завжди готові прийти на допомогу. 
  • Гордість за свої дії: Долучайтесь та відчуйтесь гордість за те, що ви – герой! 

ТЧХУ – це тисячі людей по всій Україні, які щодня роблять світ кращим. 

Ця позиція є однією зі співголів робочої групи з грошової допомоги України на субнаціональному рівні. Представляючи національних акторів, що беруть участь у програмах CVA (грошової допомоги), підтримує робочу групу з питань визначення колективних пріоритетів і викликів національних акторів, а також сприяє їхній активній участі в реалізації локалізаційної стратегії.

Співголови підтримують мандат робочої групи з грошової допомоги України уcoordination, harmonization and development of effective approaches for implementation, delivery and quality of cash assistance (CVA) in humanitarian response in Ukraine, guided by IASC guidelines and strategic priorities of HCT and ICCG.

Providing recommendations to CVA participants and clusters, the working group strives to ensure the creation of interdepartmental and multisectoral mechanisms that contribute to the development of inclusive and high-quality financial assistance. The Working Group will also provide advice to the ICCG and HCT on CVA-related matters as needed.

On behalf of the ICCG, the Working Group ensures operational coordination of the Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPC), including the clear definition, harmonization and centralized reporting on the MPC by all humanitarian actors.

Key Tasks and Responsibilities Working Group Co-Chairs Provision includes:

Leadership >

  • Provide leadership in the working group with responsibility to its participants; prepare, organize, chair and ensure follow-up at regular meetings and exchanges between partners, guarantee inclusiveness of the group; ensure that the topics of the agenda are transparent, adaptable and meet the needs of CVA participants.
  • Represent the working group at meetings of the Inter-Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG) and in the relevant clusters; support the ICCG and ensure strong communication with individual clusters to strengthen CVA inter-cluster coordination.
  • Support the creation of working group work plans in line with ICCG/HCT priorities within the current Humanitarian Program Cycles (HPC).
  • Update information management products (including 4Ws and cross-cluster CVA dashboards) and communication channels (including website management) regarding current and planned CVAs to support program coordination, harmonization and complementarity.
  • Responsible for developing MPC strategy in within the humanitarian cycle planning documents and support the search for funding for the HRP MPC.
  • Support the national working group co-chairs in the creation and implementation of their teams, participate, provide technical support and promote interaction with other teams as necessary.
  • Support sub-national working groups, ensure information sharing and harmonization of efforts.
  • Develop strategies in collaboration with cluster coordinators to ensure systematic implementation of CVA best practices in humanitarian activities.
  • Ensure that that cluster-relevant activities, data and analysis are disseminated appropriately within the ICCG; advocate for actions where cross-cluster collaboration can enhance CVA effectiveness.
  • Encourage the promotion and harmonization of the avoidance of duplication agenda among CVA practitioners.
  • Contribute to the provision of strategic recommendations to HC/RC, HCT, clusters and donors in line with key priorities identified by the Cash Disbursements Working Group.
  • Continuously engage with donors to understand their current priorities and policies, provide input to the Cash Disbursements Working Group accordingly. As necessary, support national and local governments in the promotion and discompetent CVAs.
  • Provide strategic vision for the development of an exit strategy from humanitarian CVAs, paying particular attention to referrals and coordination with social protection systems.
  • Maintain regular communication with UN agencies, international NGOs, local NGOs, Red Cross and Red Crescent Movements, donors and government active in monetary aid or social protection, as appropriate.
  • Contribute to environmental assessments and awareness raising activities for environmentally conscious decisions in the CVA area.< /li>

Technical support

  • Coordinate the provision of direct technical advice and solutions to members of the cash assistance working group and clusters for effective and appropriate CVA .
  • Develop and update standard operating procedures, key messages and CVA guidelines for multi-sector use. Coordinate cooperation with relevant clusters and key actors to identify referral pathways.
  • Ensure monitoring mechanisms are in place to assess the impact of monetary interventions and track progress against implementation plans.
  • Develop and strengthen the capacity of national NGOs to implement CVA in accordance with the standards and best practices of the World Cash Payments Working Group.
  • Contribute to the analysis and revision of the financial and legal framework related to CVA in the country, as necessary, and provide advise executive agencies on opportunities and constraints.
  • Collaborate, review and provide information on financial infrastructure and available delivery mechanisms to advise executive agencies on opportunities and constraints.
  • Assist task force in developing tools and implementation of market assessments, needs analysis, selection of delivery mechanisms and post-distribution monitoring (PDM).
  • Support the creation of standardized data management, data collection and sharing systems to facilitate information gathering, efficiency in assessments and referrals.
  • li>

Reporting and Knowledge Management

  • Regularly report to the ICCG on progress towards the agreed work plan and key themes. Report similarly to HCT as needed.
  • Collect and disseminate best practices and lessons learned, contributing to a collection of replicable best practices for cash transfer programs and ways to coordinate multi-sectoral responses, develop guidance and recommendations.
  • Establish and maintain linkages with the Cash Transfer Learning Partnership (CALP) and other relevant platforms and forums to enhance knowledge and build the capacity of the community of practitioners.

Skills and Experience

  • Masters degree in a relevant technical field.
  • At least two years of CVA experience in the humanitarian sector.
  • Understanding IASC coordination mechanisms and knowledge of the system of clusters and interdepartmental working groups.
  • Experience of representation, including presentations to internal and external audiences.
  • Demonstrated skills in facilitating meetings, discussions,ods and training both face-to-face and online.
  • High level of analytical skills and ability to influence decision-making.
  • Effective coordination skills, including ability to interact with various agencies/individuals, organize events , prioritize work, ensure a smooth flow of information and a productive working environment, promote good cooperation and exchange of information.
  • High level of communication, interpersonal and diplomatic skills; command of the Ukrainian language and fluent English in oral and written form.
  • Ability to remain calm and professional when working under pressure; ability to effectively achieve strategic priorities and results.
  • Ability to work independently and with people located in different geographic locations and in other organizations, ability to work effectively remotely.

< strong>The Red Cross Society of Ukraine offers: 

  • Interesting, diverse and multitasking work; 
  • Employment according to Labor Code; 
  • Timely payment of wages; 
  • A friendly and cohesive team of like-minded people; 
  • Participation in trainings and seminars in Ukraine and abroad. 
  • Unique experience of working in the largest public organization of Ukraine

We aim to create a safe and inclusive environment in TCHHU, which will provide all employees, volunteers regardless of age, gender and gender, ethnic origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation equal access to opportunities, protection of their dignity and equal rights. 

We are an employer with equal opportunities for all employees, including persons with disabilities. 

We do not discriminate in our selection and employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, genetic information, age. 

Sexual exploitation and abuse is prohibited in all forms. The organization implements a policy to prevent sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and harassment, including in the workplace.  

Workplace:m. Dnipro, with business trips around Ukraine.

Trial period - 3 months. 

Please send your resume indicating the desired salary level and position to the following address: [email protected]

Due to the large number of requests, we contact candidates who fully meet the requirements of the vacancy.

Without experience
Full-time work
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