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Chief specialist of the department of information and analytical support in Golovne upravlinnya Pensiynogo fondu Ukrayini v Zaporizkiy oblasti

Posted more than 30 days ago


Golovne upravlinnya Pensiynogo fondu Ukrayini v Zaporizkiy oblasti

Golovne upravlinnya Pensiynogo fondu Ukrayini v Zaporizkiy oblasti

0 reviews
Without experience
Full-time work
General conditionsName and category of the position, in relation to which a decision was made on the need to appointchief specialist of the department of information and analytical support of the management of information systems and electronic of registers, category "В" To the main administration;providing technical support for holding hardware meetings, professional trainings, Internet conferences, etc.;providing support for WEB-oriented subsystems and technical support for the provision of el

General conditions

Name and category of the position, in relation to which a decision was made on the need to appoint

chief specialist of the department of information and analytical support of the management of information systems and electronic of registers, category "В" To the main administration;

providing technical support for holding hardware meetings, professional trainings, Internet conferences, etc.;

providing support for WEB-oriented subsystems and technical support for the provision of electronic services by means of the Pension Fund electronic services web portal of Ukraine;

within the limits of their authority to develop informational and methodological materials and carry out informational and explanatory work to ensure the effective functioning of information technologies and systems, that are exploited, participation in the organization and conduct of seminars, other educational events on issues within the competence of the department;

within the scope of its competence, consideration of requests, appeals, statements and complaints of enterprises, institutions and citizens, identification and elimination of the reasons that lead to the filing of complaints by citizens. Ensuring the handling of documents in accordance with the requirements of the Instructions on record keeping;

ensuring compliance with the requirements of the legislation on the prevention of corruption.

Terms of payment

position salary - 17782.50 UAH (taking into account the requirements of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 25
2023 No. 391 "Some issues of remuneration of employees of state bodies and local self-government bodies during martial law");

salary allowance for rank in accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated January 18
2017 No. 15 "Issues of remuneration of employees of state bodies" (from changes);

a bonus for years of service in accordance with para. 2 and 4 of Clause 12 of the Final Provisions of the Law of Ukraine dated 09.11.2023 No. 3460-IX "On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2024", Law of Ukraine dated 10.12.2015 No. 889-VIII "On Civil Service", Procedure for calculating length of service of the civil service, approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 25.03.2016 No. 229;

award in accordance with Article 52 of the Law of Ukraine "On Civil Service".

Information on the term of appointment to the position

temporarily, until appointment to this position of the winner of the competition, or until the expiration of 12 months after the termination or cancellation of martial law

List of documents that must be submitted for appointment to a civil service position during the period of martial law status, including the method of submission, address and deadline for their submission

1) a statement of desire to take up a position in the civil service with an indication of the main motives for taking up the position;

2) a completed identity card of the civil service employee according to the form approved by the order of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service Issues of May 19, 2020
No. 77-20;

3) documents and copies of documents that confirm the availability of Ukrainian citizenship, education and work experience (providing copies of documents,You consent to the use of your personal data within the framework of the current legislation of Ukraine).

Documents must be submitted in person by 4 p.m. 45 min.
November 22, 2024 to the Department of Personnel of the Main Department (address: Zaporizhzhia, Soborny Ave., b. 158-b, 6th floor).

Surname, I and patronymic, phone number and e-mail address of the person who provides additional information on appointment to the position

Yashturenko Hanna Evgenivna  (061) 213 23 61,

[email protected]

Qualification requirements

1. Education

higher education degree not lower than junior bachelor or bachelor

2. Work experience

is not required

3. Proficiency in the state language

fluency in the state language

4. Proficiency in a foreign language

not mandatory

Other requirements for professional competence (indicated as necessary)


Components of the requirement

1. High-quality performance of assigned tasks

- clear and precise formulation of the purpose, goals and tasks of official activity;

- comprehensive approach to task performance, identification of risks;

- understanding content of the task and its final results, independent determination of possible ways of achievement.

2. Self-organization and independence

in work

- the ability to independently organize one's activities and time, determine the priority of tasks, establish the sequence of their execution;

- the ability to self-motivate ( self-management);

- the ability to independently make decisions and perform tasks in the process of professional activity.

3. Digital literacy

- the ability to use computer devices, basic office and specialized software for the effective performance of one's job duties;

- the ability to use Internet services to effectively search for the necessary information; the ability to check the reliability of sources and the reliability of data and information in a digital environment;

- the ability to work with documents in various digital formats; store, accumulate, organize, archive digital resources and data of various types;

- ability to avoid dangers in the digital environment, protect personal and confidential data;

- ability to use electronic registers, electronic systems document circulation and other electronic government systems for information exchange, for electronic correspondence within the framework of their official duties;

- the ability to use joint online calendars, services for the preparation and joint editing of documents, to be able to use a qualified electronic signature (KEP );

- ability to use open digital resources for personal professional development.

4. Teamwork and interaction

- understanding the weight of one's contribution to the overall result (of a structural unit/state body);

- orientation to the team result;

- willingness to work in a team and assist colleagues in their professional activities to achieve common goals;

- openness in information exchange.

5. Attention to detail

- ability to notice individual elements and focus attention on details in one's work;

- ability to consider details when making decisions.

Professional knowledge


Components of the requirement

1. Knowledge of legislation in the field

Knowledge of:

The Law of Ukraine "On Information",

The Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Information in Information and Telecommunication Systems",

Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data",

Law of Ukraine "On Collection and Accounting of a Single Contribution to Mandatory State Social Insurance",

Regulations on the Register of Insured Persons State register of mandatory state social insurance

Regulations on the main offices of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regions, cities of Kyiv and Sevastopol, approved by the resolution of the board of the Pension Fund of Ukraine dated 22.12.2014 No. 28-2 (from changes).

Without experience
Full-time work
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